A quick word about Early Crawford peaches

First of all Early Crawford are not my favorite peach. They are medium in size and are not particularly sweet. Tart to sour really . Of my five different peach trees only two have peaches. One is Black Boy because it is netted and the other is early Crawford. Squirrels, Curcs don’t touch it and a few will drop. That is the not so good news , bad news. It is a heirloom variety with merit which is why it is in my orchard. For those of you wanting to make chutney or peach relish this is your peach!


I’m finally getting mine to size up a bit better, the variety over-sets and I was not thinning enough. They are still not very big but they are bigger than they used to be! Another peach (well nectarine) that finally got bigger is Mericrest, they were downright tiny for many years but this year they are almost normal-sized.

My Early Crawford are very sweet, I think the brix also was high on them. They may like more heat than you have. The only downsides of mine is smallness and stringiness of flesh. They are a high-acid, high-sugar peach.


Thanks Scott, we have concentrated heat for two months only . Breezes
On either side of that time period.

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