Apple happenings in the state of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho

Here is the TOC list as of Jan 2017.

Hey @hambone-- I see lots of limbertwigs here:

I guess the grafted trees are still rather small, and scionwood will be extremely limited until the trees get much bigger.

It appears they have obtained the rare Henry Clay apple… one I’ve been trying to get unsuccessfully for years.

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I thought Steve Kelly has Henry Clay???

Excellent point! Its my understanding that some latent viruses are difficult and expensive to detect.

NC Peach Growers Association had to spent over $1000 on just one new variety to make sure it was completely virus free before it could be released

Upon my inquiry-- Steve Kelly said he would sell me scionwood, but later claimed he had no scions left because he had pruned it heavily in the intervening months and apparently forgot to sell me those sticks. This left me empty-handed. I’ll try him again…

In the meantime, Tom Brown of Heritage Apples says he knows of a tree “5 hours away” from him. He says he’ll do his best to get it to me, if he himself ever gets back over there to obtain it.

Tim Hensley of OVA had the Henry Clay apple. Then he passed away, early in life, just before I placed an order with him. I did not learn of his death until you yourself notified us.

I bet Steve Kelly comes through for you this year. Sometimes I have to remind him gently of my order.