Apricot as peach rootstock

I tried grafting a donut peach to a Puget Gold apricot and it grew and then stalled out… maybe the graft didn’t take, but it sure looked like it was incompatibility (the shoot just stopped growing/the leave started looking ratty)… That was a donut peach…probably better to try something like Redhaven on a seedling apricot … I know i’ve read in research that there can be varieties that don’t play well so you need some sort of interstem to make it work… I’ll be trying again with the Puget Gold and probably Mericrest nectarine since i hate that apricot (reason i’m budding it over) but i like the tree (Location/size/branching)…

I have Krymsk 1 that will be used as peach rootstock alternative… Krymsk 86 is another but impossible to find.

I’m also going to give some pluot seedlings a peach bud and see what happens…