Bagging fruits on the tree, for insect and disease protection

I do have codling moth issue on Asian pears but not on Euro pears which so far yielded only a few pieces each year on a grafted branch. I have been bagging Asian pears for the last few years, mostly using the brown paper bags and this year with organza bags. Since the organza bags are so easy to use, I bag all my Euro pears as well to prevent birds pecking on them when ripe.

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What I see is a black injury spot usually near the calyx, which by the time the fruits are ripened has turned into internal rot

Can a person order more than one of these ā€˜itemsā€™ and have them shipped together? Shipping seems to double their price.

this is my second year bagging my apples and am getting some really great looking fruitā€¦but I am also getting a great deal of earwigs in the bags this year. Is anyone else experiencing this with bagged fruit? if so what is the remedy, if there is one.


They are a crawling insect,so Tanglefoot may work. Brady

Spraying after the bags are on always helps. Inhad earwigs galore until I sprayed the bags.

I wrapped tree trunks with masking tape and smeared Tangled Foot on it. Work against ants and other crawlers.

Kind of defeats the purpose, tho - not having to spray

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Hi Matt, I was wondering how the footies worked for you last year?
The Home Orchard Society has a short writeup that says soaking footies in Surround first, then placing them over the fruit deterred coddling moth, whereas footies alone did not. What was your experience? They also said they donā€™t tie them on, but you would have to, to keep bugs from crawling in or the footies from blowing off, wouldnā€™t you?

My apple trees havenā€™t produced yet, so I donā€™t know how much insect pressure I will have on those. I fruited some sour cherries and peaches last summer. I am going to assume I will have OMF, coddling moth, PC, and JB, etc.
I had to bag my peaches last year on very short notice. Japanese beetles descended in a big swarm and would have consumed or ruined them all. I quickly sewed some bags for them out of old sheer nylon curtains bought at the thrift store for $.50. That kept the beetles off. I also left 2 ripe peaches bare and gave them a liberal shot of Sevin, I think it was. The beetles kept eating those 2 peaches and they died.
Anyway, I am very inexperienced with all the different bagging materials and techniques, so I keep reading these posts trying to see what has worked for you all. This would be for insect pressure only. Squirrels and other mammals are not a big threat here- yet. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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For peaches, the bags that work are paper bags. I call them Clemson peach bags because I bought them from Clenson U.

In my experience, footsies with and withdout Surround do not prevent against OFM, PC or CM. They lay eggs through those nylons.


Are these the bags that Hooserquilt put up a link to? I thought you were fussing about these. Maybe you have come to like them since? If so let me know your change of feelings. I used them I think anyway, canā€™t remember the name for sure. They were paper bags with twist ties. My findings were they were hard to get used to putting on and my fruit ended up still getting pc bites. Itā€™s hard with a peach because the fruit is so close to the limb.


Mamuang, thank you for your reply. It seems that different methods of protecting fruit are successful, for a time, in different geographical areas. I donā€™t know yet what is going to be the most economical and also work at a level I can be happy with. Advice based on experience from growers such as yourself is very helpful and appreciated!

I have been curious about the Clemson bags, so I finally googled them and now I understand how they are put on.

It says the Clemson bags allow light penetration so fruit can color up, so in your opinion they are superior to regular brown paper lunch bags? I think I have read here that some folks have used plain paper bags (but I wonder how they donā€™t break down after being rained on).

Do Clemson bags have any kind of water-resistant coating?

Donā€™t small bugs crawl in through the vents at the bottom?

The footies are cheaper to buy, but if they donā€™t work, I guess thereā€™s no point in me trying those!

I have used these. I may have not used the best method for applying them. I found it hard to close the gap for insects to get into. PC is so hard to get in front with and waiting to apply when the fruit is bigger might have been my problem. The other problem was applying to too small of fruit and the bag taking the fruit off.

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They are paper bags with twist ties on top. Not easy to use if you donā€™t have good fine motor skills like me.

However, if you get them on peaches correctly, you are golden until the picking time.


I found that the paper embedded twist tie had lots of paper to get around that tight space. In which in return left wrinkles of airspaces. I remember your initial comment on them being that it takes to long. Mine was itā€™s not that bad once you get used to them. I must not of have watched for bug holes as you have.

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Clemson bags, when closing bags, needs to be done the way it shows on Youtube on this link.

When bags are closed correctly, there are no holes for bugs to go in. Bugs go in from top of a bag. They donā€™t fly in from the bottom slits. Also, bags that are not well-secured, fly away when there is wind gust.


We have a LOT of strong wind here, I wonder if bags would stay on.

ya see the hole at the end ? Thats where they crawl in.

Itā€™s not really holes. Itā€™s more like slits. No way OFM, PC would crawl in.


I have another hundred bags.