Celeste Fig died to the ground Replace?

The roots on an in ground fig i moved over the winter stretched upwards of 12+ feet, it was actually 3-4 separate trees all intertwined. I needed an 8 foot pry bar and lots of elbow grease. I replanted 3 or the largest stumps, 2-4" diameter on the public median outside my house in a row to form a fighedge :smiley:


I got lazy this winter here in Atlanta, Ga and left my figs out, we had several week below freezing where the ground was frozen 6" deep and I’m sure my pots were frozen solid but never checked. So far I think I only lost 2 little ones which I propagated last year. I had more damage on the planted ones that grew like crazy, all the tips died?

The ones I got from my neighbor did the best they are either Celeste or Brown Turkey.

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Any Black Madeira pass the green scratch test?


I don’t have any Black Madeira, I was supposed to get some from Greenfin but we all know how that went.

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I am trying to root a couple of Preto for trial but BM may not work out for me in Z5 due to a short growing season.


I’ve noticed that cold damage to fig trees can sometimes appear almost random. I have three tissue-cultured ‘starter size’ plants (a VdB, celeste, lattarula) that overwintered without any damage at all in their 5# pots, with stems that were still green and flexible and much thinner than pencil size. My ‘big’ celeste in a 5 gallon bucket died back about 1’ on each stem, it was kept in the same exact conditions as the ‘starter’ size plants, right next to them.

I would not request another one. It should grow back fine. I have never bought anything from Gurney’s yet I have read online that sometimes they send out plants much smaller than you think they are going to.

By four winters in the ground it should be much more cold hardy, if not, then it might not be a real Celeste. Make sure to not plant any fig trees were they get early morning sun in the winter.

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