Chaen Double take-Scarlet Storm flowers

Tom they are magnificent.


Just small green leaves in form of Bonsai. I pruned them that way. Our Lowes carried them.


If you all like flowering quince, Toyo Nishiki is another neat one. Flower color varies (I think with temperature) from white to different shades of pink.

Toyo nishiki

Pink Storm

Orange Storm


I’ve planted Toyo Nishiki and a typical orange species-type Chaenomeles in the past couple of years.

Ampersand… my grandmother had an exceptionally heavy-fruiting strain… as a kid, I ate them out-of-hand, sprinkled with liberal amounts of salt. Yes, they were hard…sour… and really ‘set your teeth on edge’… but I liked them.

Don’t you also like the rock hard Kieffer pears? What do you have against soft fruit :smile:

Just brought these two Scarlett Storm pots indoor and let them bloom for the Vietnamese / Chinese New Year on 1-28-17.


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Have you try to propagate these guy with soft wood cutting. I tried some in a Starbucks cups 3 weeks ago and looks like they are surviving.


I also air layered one branch last year and it is blooming this Spring.


Never tried, but given their habit of suckering I’m not surprised

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Gorgeous as an ornamental, but I’ve read that the Storm series of flowering quince doesn’t produce any fruit.

Even the ordinary kinds of flowering quince have flowers that are quite beautiful enough for me.

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Tom, Kelby,

Is your Storm series starting to flower yet.
Mine just bloomned.



I don’t have any at my current job, but the normal flowering quince haven’t bloomed yet. Spring is late this year. Probably this week they will start.

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I decided to planted my two pots in the ground 2 years ago and they took the -16F just fine and now are blooming.



They are such beautiful trees and those are awesome blooms!, Can you grow edible quince Tony? It seems these have not gotten the quince rust or bad fireblight since being outside?

No disease issues with them so far. I saw one small fruit last year but totally forgot about it. I will fake some green cuttings and root them in a few weeks. I was able to root four last year and gave them to my in laws.

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That is awesome my quince grew very well and stayed healthy until they bloomed and that year it was just disease central, the rust spread very fast and after the Japanese beetles appeared it seemed to start spreading to my apples so i cut them down very sadly. I love the smell (and taste) of the ukranian/chinese quince fruit.

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