Cherry vs. other stone fruits, new grower perspectives

You are probably right, just a heads up incase he does have those symptoms with his tree and also how important well draining soil is for cherries. IMO, unless cherries are planted in well draining soil or mound you are asking for problems.

Lost the tag on this cherry tree. These are not sweet, more on the line of a pie cherry. Any one have an idea what it is?

Based on the leaf shape this is definitely a tart cherry. Probably, Montmorency since it’s the most common one. If the juice is clear, it’s Montmorency with 99.99% certainty.

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Surefire, Meteor and Mesabi all look (and taste) similar to Montmorency, but if you bought it at a store it is most likely Montmorency. The only pie cherries I’ve ever seen at stores are Monty and North Star. North Star has red flesh, Montmorency has yellow flesh (maybe a bit pink if really ripe).

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Thanks Stan I will give it a squeeze, but I think it is clear.