Common fruit that others like but you don't!

I’m not a big fan of plums. I can enjoy an occasional really good plum that is solid and non-juicy. But generally I never even think about them. Not a big fan of citrus either. Can’t stand American cantaloupes but I do like the orange fleshed European melons.

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The reason I grow fruits and vegetables is because I refuse to eat what is offered at Walmart.


Then come shop in San Diego or Miami.

Cool looking fruit!

Is it this plant:

yes, that’s the one. There is a bit of variability, but the good ones are amazing.

now, do you suppose you’d find them at their prime in either miami or san diego? :wink:

The name you used is for the Genus. So are you referring to that, or the specific species?

LOL. Just learned about it from you tonight … and happy for it. :slight_smile:

It’s going to take some research …

I hope we would discuss “common fruit” so more forum members would participate.

I hope I do not offend you. Discussion about exotic fruit is not my intention here though I could talk about them for hours since I’ve eaten tons in my life time.

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oops, sorry about that, and i agree!

I don’t think there is a fruit that I hate to eat. I may prefer certain fruits to others.but as long as they are ripen properly, in good quality. My taste buds , other sense can appreciate every types of fruit I have sampled. I will continue to put my curiosity out and simple new type of fruits, but chance of dislike is slim. It all boils down to degrees of likenesses, and my start from 4~10 out of 10 scale


I keep trying jujube since so many people here seem to love it but it always tastes like a slightly sweet sponge to me.

Great topic Mamuang.

I don’t like black raspberries. They just seem to have a slight hard boiled egg flavor to me.

I don’t know for sure, but I suspect part of our taste preferences are genetic, part environmental (what our parents fed us) and partly age.


I dislike cantaloupe and watermelon. As a general rule dislike mushy apples and crunchy pears!! Just goes against how things should be!:grinning:


Yes. Mushy apples and crunchy pears are yucky for me, regardless of their flavor.

Strangely, I don’t mind the crunchy texture of Asian pears, even though the flavor is bland to me.

Likewise I don’t mind fried apple slices on the stove with a little brown sugar butter, cinnamon, even though the slices are pretty soft/mushy.

I can’t imagine what the difference is except for expectation. Once I cooked some raccoon for supper and my family didn’t eat much even though barbequed, it tastes like any other barbequed meat.

I think we associate food much deeper than taste. I bet a top shelf chef could make dog, or dog food, tasty to my liking, if I didn’t know what I was eating. But if they told me, I’d be repulsed.

I hope I’m not taking the thead off topic, but enjoy learning and speculating the “why”.


That’s the “date” stage. I like them when they’re mostly brown but still crisp in texture.

I have seen that time and time again with food. It often goes well beyond the taste aspect for humans.

I was talking in terms of fresh fruit. I would eat my weight in fried apples or apple pie any day of the week if it was possible, and there were no down sides.:grin:


I just wanna say : lots of people say that mangoes found in store can’t compare to fresh, locally grown ones…Well, mango is my favorite fruit and I’ve only had it from grocery stores. SO… Are you telling me they get BETTER? Lol… I have to travel the world!!!


I had a huge mango tree in Africa and they were great they just didn’t compare to store-bought mangoes here in the U.S.

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Fear not. There are plenty of good imported mangoes in the US. I am sure in Canada, too. The Ataulfo mangoes, around my area is called Champagne mangoes, are around.

If you have any Asian market your area, you should check them out. Summer is the time when they are plenty. I also see them sold at supermarkets at a higher price.

@BobC Bob, you are right. Not all mangoes are created equal. I have eaten many, many mangoes. Some store bought mangoes are as good, depending on what varieties and what state of they ripeness when picked.


And yet, local tree ripened Ataulfos are even better!

I’ve had them several times and they are good but the last time I bought them at Costco they were not good. Like many fruits quality can vary significantly.

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