Elderberry trees ripening

you and me both enjoy some good footy-smelling wine :grinning:

straight elderberry red has a pretty distinct aroma that I find a bit much but still canā€™t seem to leave alone if I pour a glass, but elderberry rose gets a much better reception and is a nice ā€œconservationā€ wineā€“make a base of sugar w/ lemon or other add-ins for acidity, or apple juice, or similar, and when you squeeze the elderberries from your straight batch put the strainings in the same size or slightly smaller volume to make a ā€œsecond wineā€ (I took a 6-gallon batch of red and put the bag in 5 gallons of must)ā€¦edit: Jack Keller has a good recipe as a starting point for elderberry roseā€¦in fact if you look enough he has several. My only caveat would be avoid the dried elderberry recipe; the foot-aroma thing that I get some of in regular elderberry was ridiculously overpowering the one time I made a batch w/ dried berries from a homebrew shopā€¦

and yes a cup or 2 in a full batch of black currant, blackberry, etc. adds complexity as well as a LOT of colorā€¦


Youā€™re right about that rain. My elderberries are so big and heavy that branches are breaking.


I mix with grape juice and a couple of pints of blackberries, blueberries, and even some rhubarb



The Jack Heller recipe with bananas for the second run is fantastic!


I think my recipe used white grape juice for a first and second run to make a red and a blush. I have also used elderberry to make Mead (melomel). That was ok, the honey got lost under the elder.
Of course, itā€™s best if the berries are absolutely completely totally ripe, otherwise the slightly weird flavor of elderberry becomes unpleasant and you get more of the green goo.
My bushes were just starting to turn purple when we moved. I uncovered the berries to let the birds clean up. I figured better birds than SWD!

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So today i picked enough for a half-recipe of elderberry pie filling and cooked itā€¦hopes werent high but i tried anyway, and filling has none of that elderberry funk. I may try boiling briefly before making wine next timeā€¦

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Iā€™ve made jelly before, but the wild ones Iā€™ve always gotten donā€™t release their stems very well. Pie full of stems just didnā€™t sound good.
Come to think of it, Iā€™ve had wine made from elderberries in those giant cans from the wine supply store and it was very good. Canned fruit would of course be cooked!

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Next time, try freezing the elderberry bunches, then the berries come off much easier.

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Tried that. Tried floating them too. Tried everything the internet suggested. They would release from the big stem with a tiny hair-like stem attached securely to the very soft, very ripe berry. That tiny stem refused to let go unless pinched off individually. I gave up and made jelly! I figured it was a quirk of the variety (wild).

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Iā€™m wondering how people did with their elderberries and SWD this year. I just noticed SWD for the first time, which stinks.

saw a few maggots, and tried not to think too much about it :frowning:

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Mine ripen just before they are here. I grow two of the Sam nigras.

The SWD wiped me out! We had a lot of rain in early August just when the elderberries were ripening 2 weeks early. These were the largest berries Iā€™ve ever grown. As I approached the back yard, I could smell fermentation - not rot. There was a bird chirping at me on the ground and it didnā€™t move, just sang happily on the ground. There were 10-15 others on low branches. There were swarms of SWD I could hear buzzing. Maybe that was the wasps and bees, lol. I tasted some berries that looked good and they were very sweet ( I didnā€™t know the got that sweet). However, most had outright fermented like 5th day ferment. Thatā€™s when I figured out the loud crazy birds were drunk!

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I forgot to say that because of the severe wet spring weather that took it most of my fruit trees, sweet cherries, peach plums, I did limited spraying . Last year I got away with spraying my elderberry once and got a fly free crop. I didnā€™t spray it at all and got drunk birds