Figs Tip Pinching

I only pinch the figs to encourage branching, they seem to fruit fine on their own. Some tall leaders I want to branch and form a scaffold is all I pinch.


Unfortunately pinching doesnā€™t seem to be working too well on my VdB. Itā€™s in the ground and growing like mad, so it doesnā€™t want to listen to my encouragement. Iā€™m air-layering a sucker and Iā€™ll pot that up if/when it succeeds. Hopefully itā€™ll give me figs next year. I have a couple more candidate branches that need to be removed, Iā€™ll figure out which ones to remove next weekend and start air-layering them too.

Itā€™s the first week of August and Iā€™ve been pinching fig growth tips every five new leaves. Should I continue doing this? When should I stop pinching? Thanks.


Amusingly enough, I have about a dozen figs on my VdB forming, but none from the trunk that I was pinching. I do have some nice branching on that trunk now.

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Figs probably take around 3 months to ripen. So if your first day of frost is more than 90 days from now then your figs should ripen in time before frost.if not then donā€™t pinch them until Spring.



OK, thanks, sounds like I should stop pinching August 1 each year as first frost is around Nov. 1.

I have read about removing- in August- all small figs that have no chance of ripening. Do you do this?

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I took a few pots that are loaded with green figs into my sunroom to ripen and I removed the figs on the rest of the pots and let them go dormant in my tornado shelter.
