From riches to rags

Started out this year planting a Fuyu and was hoping to ripen one or two persimmon. I was surprised when it leafed out and about 75 fruit were set. To play off Richards term the trees they came one by one well my fruit dropped one by one. Now I have one that is about 1". Do you think it will stay on and mature? Also wondering if I could expect a few more next year.


You probably have a good chance at keeping that one. Next yr with a much bigger root system you might keep several dozen or more. They do a pretty good job of self thinning. I still take off more. But I wish everything were as easy.


Really? All the persimmon trees I see here (most are Fuyu) break branches all the time with way too much fruit.


I’m guessing that being newly planted it just needed a little more time to develop its structure.

My Nikita dropped about half but I was told to expect that. It still has about a dozen but I expect more to fall. It was planted late 2015 but got stunted by rabbits. This is its first real year of growth and the tree is really starting to get larger so I assume it’s spent that time developing a better root system.

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It will grow out of dropping fruit if it is anything like my giant fuyu. The first year it fruited it dropped all but 3 that ripened, the next year it dropped all but one, then the following year it ripened about 30. I read they are prone to go into biennial bearing if they crop too heavy but I have not experienced that yet.


From where did you get it?


I have a case of the June Drop too. My more mature persimmons (fuyu, fuyu imoto, Nikita’s Gift x 2, and Saijo) are dropping fruit by the minute. They are 5-7 feet tall, except fuyu imoto which is about 12 feet. Hundreds of immature fruit are on the ground. I’m hoping to average one fruit per twig of new growth on the mature trees. I had 8 immature fruit hanging onto my young Steiermark (it was literally a grafted twig when I received it last year), and the last fruit fell off this morning… that was a real bummer.

My fuyu imoto held onto 25 fruit in its fourth year planted. It experienced significant dieback in the second and third year due to cold weather so no fruit those years. In its first year, at about 5-6 feet tall, it dropped additional fruit in August and left me with only a couple, which is typical for immature persimmon trees. I think you have a 50-50 chance of that imoto fruit hanging on! Good luck! Pick that one rather late, as the Imoto needs additional time to obtain a sweeter taste.



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I don’t think this question was for me but just in case I will answer. My Fuyu was purchased from Petals From The Past in Jemison, Alabama. Bill

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Yeah, it was for your. Thanks.