Grapes 2017

And I was complaining about the birds wiping my grapes out! Didn’t do as well with Canadice this year (birds sure went after them and Reliance), but the Himrod was crazy! Birds backed off the Himrod, but the hornets were going crazy after them. I also noticed that I harvested these about a month earlier than years past. Perhaps because we’ve had the hottest summer on record here in Salt Lake City area. These Himrods are like little sugar balls when you let them get this ripe!


Nice,What are you going to do with so many grapes?


I made jam the other week. I make a bowl to put in the fridge, and the rest I pack in the freezer. One of these days, I’ve got to learn how to make wine.

Gorgeous grapes! They make delicious juice in my opinion!

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I’ve been eating some Fredonia, King of the North and Swenson Red. The good ones ranged from 18-20 in brix. The Swenson Red were planted last spring. They are good but the grapes are small and blue. I’ve read they can be blue if nights are cool, which has been the case. Hopefully they’lI be bigger next year. They are pretty good. I have two Concord vines 15 feet from each other, neither of which are ripe yet. The birds wiped out everyone on one vine, none on the next. I had some scare tape up around the Fredonias, which were much riper, and they didn’t bother them either. I put up some scare tape on the Concord vine after they started but it did nothing.


Do you have any Muscat flavor grape?

Grapes are fairly easy to grow but in Kansas it’s best to stick to names like concord , seedless concord (not seedless in Kansas), catawba, Mars, glenora etc.


My Reliance has a nice crop this year. They are behind yours but moving along. Also added a somerset which is growing nicely.

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I grow multiple warm weather crappy soil type grapes. Muscadine. St Theresa, Flameless, Thomson. Concord doesn’t seem to like our heat and humidity. I have a couple dozen plants that seems to do well without much care . If any really. Deer ate them all last year though. The second they ripened they were all gone in one night… Aholes…

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I need to figure out how to multiply my vines.

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Most common Grapes are easy to root. Not so with Muscadines or Vitis Lincecumii.
Just take 3-5 bud cuttings in the dormant season and root them in a 5 gallon container or larger with good potting mix.

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@IL847 & @Slicko,
I’ve been wanting dormant Chambourcin cuttings for a very long time.
The grapes look awesome.

Hi there. Is Tickled Pink grape a slip skin type of grape, or the non slipskin type? Thanks in advance.


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