Hard Cider Yeast

Dagnabit!! Whichever engineering minds designed plants to extract their needed carbon molecules from the carbon dioxide that legged critters exhaust, and to exhaust the unneeded, leftover oxygen that the legged critters need to live each second of critter life, well, I guess that they were not all fuzzy brained from enjoying a wee bit too much of the fungi-fuzzy figs and fungi-fuzzy grapes that give off the fermented wine smells in my back yard. I kind of wish that they would crank out a much better automobile that burned gasoline and exhausted out fumes that fueled another critter that lived off the car fumes and exhausted liquid gasoline pee at the 92 octane level. Hey, why not…Fungi waste (myco toxins) can be poisonous enough to kill bad bacteria. Like penicillin. And be super helpful for critters in need of bad bacteria elimination via chemical warfare. But, “too much” myco toxin can also poison the toxin consuming critter to the point of needing headache meds, or barfing on the leather seats in the Porsche Cayenne, or, sadly, even cause the 18 year old freshman at the fraternity drink-a-thon to die from alcohol (myco toxin) poisoning. Hey, the O2 that your valuable fruit trees make just for you adds to the list of benefits that make them worth growing. Grow on.

probably worth noting kraut, salami, summer sausage, bleu cheese, natural pickles, vinegars, kombucha, sour cream, etc. all owe their flavor profile in large part to “pee”…

…not to mention all leavened bread or baked goods, yogurt, soy sauce, kimchi, etc.

If wild fermentation is yielding the best results I would harvest that yeast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XL0NUR5tTNE. The same goes if you have an expensive yeast you can harvest it to make your money go a little further if your doing large amounts. The old timers kept their yeast in the well bucket to keep it cold. When I was younger a few people still got their yeast from junipers for bread though starters are still most popular among those who do not buy yeast. This article describes yeasts and their uses Yeast - Wikipedia and this article will explain more about the wild collection process and plants associated with naturally occurring yeasts http://www.motherearthnews.com/real-food/fermenting/wild-yeast-zmaz80sozraw.aspx . Yeast starters were very precious in the old days.