Catalina Cherry-nut

What are they? :peanuts:

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@mrsg47 – Updated link:
NRCS guide hollyleaf cherry.pdf (70.1 KB)

Your site didn’t work so I googled! Yes, the Native American Indians did make flour from the poisonous pits but after treating them…thus the roasting? What a process!

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Thus the leaching. :slight_smile:

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The tree has grown a lot in the past year and is once again in full bloom.


It’s set at least 3 gallons of nuts (unshelled) so far and still blooming like crazy.

Unfortunately, the tree blew over in yesterday’s storm. It will be replaced by our Cambuca saplings, whose cousin Jaboticaba is in the same planter.


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What a bummer! I recently became acquainted with this species. A friend who I met through the palm society gave me a handful of pits which have just begun to sprout. (Please ignore the blue label - that is one for a species of palm that I forgot to remove)


The leaves and also the flowers,somewhat,resemble Cherry or English