How are you Using your Rhubarb?

Rhubarb jam.

Tasting excellent.


What a beautiful color!!! Any idea what variety that is? Mine is nowhere near as red:


Am currently eating another batch of rhubarb pudding from the last of the 2021 frozen juice.
Of all my frozen fruit juices or purees, rhubarb quality holds up the longest.

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@Hodis I am not sure, because they’re from my grandma garden. Maybe crimson cherry rhubarb Luke.
I just dug some home to plant.


I don’t like to add a lot of sugar, but I find rhubarb can be quite delicious just chopped and then simmered with a touch of water to make a sauce and then mixed with butter and a spoon full of honey. If it’s too tart I will add a little bit of powdered egg shell instead of just adding more sweetener. The calcium (besides being a good nutritional additive) reacts with the acid to neutralize it so be careful not to overdo it or you’ll remove all the tartness and make it bland!

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Vanilla is such a great add in that also helps the brain think “sweet” while not actually needing to add in very much sugar.


I fried it with onion, garlic, and greens to put beside some pasta with a heavy cream seafood sauce. the tartness was a nice contrast. almost lemon-y


I’ve never cooked with it myself,but had Strawberry-Rhubarb pie and liked the flavor.
Having just seen these recipes,here is my contribution to this thread.


9 quarts of Rhubarb Sauce. Would have been 10 but one of my canning jars dropped it’s bottom in the water bath, what a mess. Really isn’t at all appetizing to look at, but sure does taste good, especially on vanilla ice cream.


ive dehydrated rhubarb before, stores forever like that!

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thats really red rhubarb, do you know the variety?

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@TheDerek I don’t know for sure. Maybe crimson cherry rhubarb.

I’m slicing it diagonal and thick, and making it like candied yams tonight. my candy recipe is

more than you think you need of brown sugar, sorghum syrup (a teaspoon or so), plenty of butter, a little of either lemon or other juice. I’m using peach nectar as the base this time. fry the butter, add a little salt. put in the slices. as soon as they start to cook, throw as much brown sugar on top as you can mentally handle.

then drizzle in the juice and syrup mixed together, until it’s wet. cook until caramelized and serve with a scoop of either sour cream (for yams/sweet potatoes/carrots) or ice cream or whipped cream (for rhubarb). Do not use marshmallows, it’s a travesty

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Our rhubarb is currently being used to take up space in the refrigerator. It has been sitting there for about two weeks.

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I like to use it while its moist and crisp.

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This Red Wine Roasted-Rhubarb Compote from SeriousEats is seriously delicious. Eat on its own or serve with ice cream or yogurt.

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