I finally understand why everyone is growing inter-specific fruit

From DWN site, ACN is listed as a mail order nursery. So I assume they are all from DWN. What’s the downside of citation rootstock? I have no experience with stone fruit rootstock at all.

Only the pluots, as far as I know.

I think it depends on you situation, especially site related issues. Did you look at the DWN roostock chart?

I just got a few peach/nectarine/apricot trees on Citiation this year. So far they are doing good. I think plums and apricots might be a little more vigorous than peaches and nectarines. In the case of Pluouts, I don’t think you have any choice. It seems they all come from DWN on Citation.

The downiside of Citation is its upside. It is a somewhat dwarfing rootstock compared to myro. I wish my FG was on myro- I’d like a lot more vigor.

@alan How big did your FG get? Do you have anything else on Citation?

The only thing I have on myro is a multi-graft plum. After it got to about 15’ high I started maintaining it at 13’. The spread is about 22’. I think is a bit bigger than what most people want. It got that big in only 3-4 years. It’s the fastest growing tree I’ve ever planted.

I have quite a few plums I manage on Citation. They are decent sized free standing trees- you know 12’ high with a 12’ spread, but my FG has less spread and doesn’t send out as much wood as I’d like. It is about half as full as it would be by now if it was on myro. But if space is limited Citation is great. I like it for slow to yield E. plums. I think it speeds up fruiting about 30%.

Holy cow! If you haven’t tasted a perfectly ripe Flavor King, you are missing out!!!


I bought this pluto in the store. Isn’t it the FK? It is very sweet and juicy when soft a bit, but the texture is mostly plum texture.

Exactly. It is really the very, very best of all the interspecifics for me so far. At least, the ones I can grow. I can thank fruitnut for recommending it to me for my climate several years ago. It is out of this world.

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Ordered FK and FG from ACN for next spring. Will see if it grows well at WNY zone 6a.

Hold on, what do we have here?

Scored some perfectly ripened (not stone hard) Flavor Kings at my local produce market. Not a bad price either! I love this store. They have some amazing, “imperfect” fruit for a steal.


Ooh, checking this out at my local store today. Gosh, if I can find FK, I would be thrilled.

Based on the code, the distributor seems to be a company called DLJ Produce. They list FK as being yellow fleshed! :expressionless:



What store. That is a great price. They are $3/lb at the only store I know of that labels pluots by variety.

Real Produce

Those all look great…and wow…look at the price on those…where is that place? I love FK but its sooo late here… mine are still rock hard and just changing colors now. Another 5 or 6 weeks.

I posted the link for the store. It’s in San Jose, CA

Great! I’ve never had an FK and I"ll be passing through on my way to the East Bay shortly. I’ll stop at that produce store :yum:

I don’t think the savings is worth the trip.

I’m eating Geo Pride off my tree…excellent fruit…

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If you buy enough it might be! :stuck_out_tongue:

My minivan could probably haul a ton of them? Mark them up to $5/pound at the Farmer’s Market…put a “locally grown” with a small * next to it (in S California)… :slight_smile:

Plan on grafting Flavor Supreme tomorrow to some in ground trees…need to figure out a pollinator .