It's Finally Raining in California!

Jodi Kodesh this morning also called this a Santa Ana condition:

Yup. I know that :slight_smile: It is coming through the mountain passes from a northeasterly direction. But, for me, where I am, my weather station is moving back and forth - ESE to ENE. Maybe due to the front to the south in Mexico, that this more northerly front is running into. When it comes from the east, whether it’s northeast, or southeast, the weather people consider that a Santa Ana condition because the winds can be very intense and very dry. Apparently, when it’s more northern, the winds are colder. We’re more used to seeing the southeastern, hot Santa Ana winds. But, that’s not what’s happening today. Either way, I hate it, because the humidity drops, which makes me miserable, and all the stuff I’m allergic to is to the east of me (California scrub/coastal scrub). I dread Santa Anas. Hate them.

Her pants are on fire too! Look at this map of fronts and pressure. See that High pressure off of San Francisco and the Low pressure in Sonora and Baja? Further, look at the High Pressure front running laterally from the Pacific to Idaho and South Dakota? This is not a picture of Santa Ana conditions.

Richard, I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe take it up with three meteorologists at NBC San Diego who are all stating, “Santa Ana wind conditions”?? It is possible, as degreed meteorologists, they might know something more than you do. Unless you also have a degree in meteorology? Maybe, I don’t know. Here is our current wind map and it is showing -yup , wait for it- Santa Ana winds coming from the east and northeast over San Diego county:

Here is the NBC San Diego Give Us Feedback link so you can let the three meteorologists know their pants are on fire:


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Well, I’m not sure about down in SD, but up here in the Bay Area, (from my backyard station) they are straight out of the north for the most part.

Is it possible these are the same newscasters that refer to Bakersfield as being in northern California? :grin:

If it were a Santa Ana, there’d be low pressure off the CA coast (northern and southern), high pressure in southern Idaho, western Utah, and western NM. It’s not happening. Look at the map.

Jodi Kodesh: Jodi holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Geosciences from Mississippi State University, and has been awarded the American Meteorological Society’s coveted Seal of Approval. She successfully completed Boston University’s Television, Film and Radio Production Program with honors.

So, not just “newscasters”. I have never heard any of them refer to Bakersfield as “Northern California”, but then, if you live in San Diego, I suppose anything north of Los Angeles might feel like Northern California!

So, use the link I gave you and give them a dressing down, Richard. You clearly know more than they do.

And, per the National Weather Service, the definition of Santa Ana winds: “The Santa Ana winds are strong, extremely dry down-slope winds that originate inland and affect coastal Southern California and northern Baja California. Santa Ana winds blow mostly in autumn and winter, but can arise at other times of the year also. The winds originate from cool, dry high-pressure air masses in the Great Basin. The winds are known especially for the hot dry weather (often the hottest of the year) that they bring in the fall, and are infamous for fanning regional wildfires. For these reasons, they are sometimes known as the “devil winds” across Southern California.”

No mention of a high pressure system having to be over New Mexico, not sure where you are finding that requirement. Perhaps that’s why the winds are coming from a more northerly direction:

We currently have a (large) high pressure air mass over the Great Basin:

Patty S.


… which is draining South to Southeast towards central Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico, not westwardly to the Pacific through the Santa Ana river basin and other southern California drainage systems.

Patty – It’s not worth it.


Just got our first snow last night. More will be coming on Tuesday. Much needed moisture for next season.



Tony we got lucky and got this first batch as rain


Down here in the San Diego region, it looks like we have a chance of slight rain this weekend. I’m sure glad I’m not in tornado alley right now … :frowning:

Heard this morning that it was also shaking in CA. 6.5 off the coast.

Yes about 700 miles north of here, near the NW corner of the Pacific Plate. :earth_americas:

I’m hoping that the prediction for rain on Thursday in southern California come true, but at the moment it looks kind of iffy …

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They are calling for a solid 1" up by us. What’s great is Lake Folsom reservoir has risen 18’ in a week!
I think for us in NorCal the drought is effectively over, if not officially.


Not even close. Check the State water resources page.

Actually, looking at current reservoir levels for this early in the year, we are actually in great shape. In fact many parts of the state are no longer in a severe drought.

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Well, as of this evening, they are calling for a “significant rain event”, about an 1" (okay, so for the rest of you all, that is considered a “significant rain event” here, lol!) Hoping the forecast holds, we can sure use it. So can my water bill!


@Calron, those measurements are based on a “rainfall year” that begins September 1. Look at where we are to-date in relation to-date in a “droughtless” year.

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Down here in the SW corner of the state the latest rain system has passed over, leaving about 1.2 inches locally over a 16 hour period … a very nice ground soaking rain.

The snails and slugs will of course be out in full-force tonight! To combat them I applied 13 lbs of Sluggo throughout the property. And yes, I did also need to file a pesticide use report with the State of California due to the quantity of this product I purchase (50 Lb bags) and apply. :slight_smile: