Jujube tree sources and largest fruiting cultivars

Nice Farm!

The least expensive jujubes I have purchased are from Burnt Ridge Nursery http://www.burntridgenursery.com/Jujube-Trees/products/21/ . They might not always be the biggest but they are good size and have grown well for me. They sell for $28 and $35 and I have always bought the $35 tree. They do not stock Autumn Beauty. England’s Orchard and Nursery trees sell for $35 and $45 but he has the biggest cultivar selection in his nursery and I heard that he was going to have more cultivars available this fall. http://www.nuttrees.net. I plan to really look at his trees this season. They do not have online ordering that I can tell but I think you can call and put in an order. (If I’m wrong on this guys correct me.) Rolling River Nursery has a lot of varieties but I have not bought from them. Jujubes don’t sell cheap. I’ve written all this and just remembered that Bob Vance did a good comparison thread here. Jujube Vendor Comparison
