Mason Bee seems confused

Each day when I go by my mason bee house I look over at it hoping to see more capped cells. Surprise, this morning look who is crawling out. I’m confused because I didn’t expect to see these until next bloom season. Is this normal for this late in the season?


Cant say it its normal but I have definitely seen more solitary bee activity this fall than I recall seeing in the past. Seems like they are everywhere, as opposed to last spring when it seemed that the activity was very low.

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I’m starting to refrigerate mine now

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This was my first attempt at mason bee houses and it was just a quick to build house. Next year I might go with the removable tubes so I can clean and refrigerate them.

Can I just let them stay where their at for the winter and expect them to come out next year?
Should I put a wire cover over the front to prevent something from eating them as they emerge next spring?
Thanks, Bill

I’d recommend the removable paper tubes

Your bees will probably be fine if they got through to this point. Most of the pests will be dormant as well through the winter.

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