Mulberries: What varieties haven't woken up too early for you?

Great website. Appreciate all the info gathered into one spot @Livinginawe


Shin-tso is ripe right now at our place (Z6). The taste is as advertised: sweet-sour. The acidity is definitely there, much more pronounced than with other mulberries.

Here’s an early summer mix: shin-tso (the blackest), nameless red mulberry (kinda spotted), huge-fruited white mulberry, the last of haskap, red and yellow raspberries. Gooseberries and currants also starting to ripen. Black rasperries and earliest blackberries need a week or two more.


Ross, Love your videos.
Too much Magnesium causes earlier wake up & leaves which breath more.
Increases the chance of black frost & freeze damage.
Painting trunk white slows wake up.