Natural toxins in fruits, teas, herbs, and vegetables

Many of the subjects in longevity studies are avid gardeners, regardless of the details of their diets. Just thought since this was a gardening forum and whatnot. :slight_smile:

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I’d have to disagree with “my main issue with meat is that it is a terribly inefficient and environmentally expensive way to create protein”.

I think that is true if you’re speaking of feedlot or confinement raised meat of any kind. But grass fed and finished, open range meats are quite efficient and beneficial in their use of the land. Proper rotation with cattle and sheep actually improves pasture/land, as well as producing healthier meats. Grass raised and finished beef is higher in omega 3’s than wild salmon. And that was what everyone ate (for beef) up until a few decades ago.

Beef and other grazing animals used to be pastured on land which was ill suited to crops (and still are in some countries and a few farms here). That was a far more efficient use of marginal land, and produced a healthier meat. Instead now a days, we farm corn and soy on vast mono-crop tracts, ship it to the confined animals, and give them antibiotics to control the diseases and problems this feed and living arrangement causes.

Meat doesn’t have to be an inefficient source of protein, nor bad for the environment. But it often is these days if you are getting burgers a McD’s or packaged meat at the supermarket chain.

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I will answer on the lounge when I have time.

Yeah for sure!

I have to respectfully disagree with this comment. I can’t attest to the particular nonprofit you were engaged with but in my experience nonprofit status is certainly not a gimmick. It is a tax beneficial structure that enables the organization to direct more resources toward its established mission. Like any other organization, salaries are based on a combination of market forces and political connectedness. Executives with too cozy a status with the board certainly may be overpaid; that is not the fault of the tax structure, that is a common problem among all organizations, both for- and non-profit.

Yes, ours was selling booze. That was our mission. A non profit social club.
What a joke! It so easy to become corrupt in non-profits like the CEO of Green Peace robbing the organization blind, now that was funny!

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All a non-profit is, is an organization granted tax exempt status by the IRS according to the IRS rules. It can absolutely be run like a for-profit company where the people who run it just pay themselves a lot, although it requires the board of directors to cooperate or not pay attention. I know this because I do the audit & tax return for 3 that work that way.

As for toxins, plants are the first and best users of chemical warfare. Nearly everything is toxic to something, and a great deal of the things that humans like the taste of were evolved as a way to poison some other herbivore.

Not only do plants produce toxins but generally they are never researched to establish the dangers of these toxins. These are natural pesticides, and the natural pesticides that are processed from plants, like rotenone and pyrethrin often have the same health issues as synthetic ones. Of course, all the poisons that are sold as commercial pesticides are much more concentrated than the natural pesticides in plants, but many people are focused and concerned about the aging residue of these chemicals after they’ve been diluted and also broken down, by sun and biological processes, as they usually are by harvest, while the naturally occurring insecticides in the plants we eat are as fresh as the vegetables are.

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