Persimmon protection, Saijo persimmon hardiness, and deer

Most Kakis will not do well beyond -5F. Wrapped them with whatever to insulate them and block out the winds. I have learned that a heat source like a light bulb in the center of the wrapped tree for temp beyond -5F is a must.


My orchard is too far from the house to use any wires to turn a lightbulb on… any recommendation on something wireless I could use for that heat source, and how to hang it?

Updating on my Izu persimmon. Over 15 months after planting, it’s still not leaf out yet. I am keeping water and take a look so often hoping its leaf will come out in this Summer.

That’s unfortunate. Is it still green or has it dried out?

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Still green, that why i keep hopping leaf will come out Ram.

Here are my Izu pictures of updating today.

If the tree is still asleep, you can try to awaken the buds by using Cytokinin paste. This is the same as Keiki paste they use for Orchids for propagation and blooming.
I am using it with some grafts for buds that havent woken up despite the graft taking.

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Cliff England gave me a tip a couple yesrs ago that might help. Empty a can of beer into a bucket or two of water, and use the mixture to water the tree. Supposedly this helps the roots wake up.


My $20 bare root Izu from Willis Orchard bought in early Spring 2018 leaf out very nicely even still in container.

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yes, but we’ll see if it’s really Izu when it fruits

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Hopefully nursery did not send wrong plant to me. Murky.

I hope so too. I don’t think highly of that nursery, but shouldn’t have posted like that. Its a health looking tree.

My Saijo, from another vendor, wasn’t even a Kaki.

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Today i saw a couple green tiny buds on my Izu . It’s might leaf out this summer. It’s very good new. Thank you all for your help and will updating next a few more weeks.
Best regards.



Incredible. Congratulations, and happy Father’s Day.

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Thank you Murky. Happy Father’s day to you and all Fathers as well.

My persimmon tree often does not leaf out to the top of each braches. Your tree is so big and tall. Would you consider trim off some top branches to give roots and the tree above ground some balance?


Yes, good idea mamuag.


Let hope this tree will be healthy and productive for many years to come. Your climate is a lot milder than mine in Z5.


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Fruit trees performing better in too hot or too cold zoning weather. Tony . Thank you so much. Vincent.