Purple Heart Plum

I couldn’t say, sorry. But what I can say, is that I had a great fruit set out of a little graft. It could have been pollinated by any of these; BlackIce, Toka, Vermont or Red Star.


Japanese plums are generally not self-fertile. Often there are ornamental plums nearby though so often you are OK anyways.


My Purple Heart plum tree came today 4.11th.23
Big tree with a little of root. Hopefully performs well in zone 8b Seattle areas.


I’d give that a good haircut to increase chances of survivability. will establish quicker as well.


@steveb4 it has some broken branches during shipping. I am about to trim all that and keep her in the cool side for a couple months Steve. Thank you so much.
@Bradybb your Purple Heart has aphids every year? You plant it outside or in the green house Brady?


Hi Vincent,
The Purple Heart is grafted to a planted outdoor tree.Maybe this year I sprayed enough soap and oil to smother the Aphids and hopefully have a crop.


Too bad my purple Heart plum tree from Fredcoseeds was not leaf out. Bark testing turned all brown. It took 8 days to received from shipping and it was very dried root. I emailed and sent pictures to Fredcoseeds. Unfortunately they said the tree was potted therefore no more warranty on it. I paid for the dead tree from Fredcoseeds. It wasn’t fair at all. (6.17.23)


i dont know why they dont tape above the rootball so the wet media stays around the roots. i got 3 trees from them the same way and the only reason they made it is im in Maine so i got it quickly. wet newspaper all over the tress. it would literally take 10 seconds to wrap a few wraps of tape to keep the media there. duh! and the bag they all were in wasnt even taped closed.


I didn’t understand potted plants no warranty on it . I wouldn’t order from Fredcoseeds again. Anyone had good or bad experiences from them. Please sharing, thank you.

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Purple Heart plums have been outstanding this year! Thanks to @JesseS for the scionwood. It’s a good thing too, since my tree full of Shiro is nothing but flavorless sugarwater mush.


That does not look like a tree that was grown in a pot. Putting a bare-root tree in a pot before shipping it is not the same thing as shipping a potted tree.


I didn’t understand the detail of the warranty policy from them. I think they tried to tell me the tree I planted in the pot that why no more warranty on it. They don’t even give me credit for ordering later… it’s okay. I give up on them. @murky

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If I were to graft Purple Heart onto another cultivar, is it safe to say it would be compatible with any Japanese or hybrid plum? Has anyone had PH not take to a specific cultivar?

How about rootstock compatibility? I’ve only seen p.Americana and mustang offered as rootstocks for this plum.

And it seems the pollination of this variety is not clear from a few sources. Is there any surefire pollinators for PH?

I’m going to get it in my yard one way or another but just wanted to make sure I have all the facts straight on this one.

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