Spring and summer pruning question

From what I can see,maybe a little can be taken out of the center,to promote the outer branches to grow more and for better light and air movement.bb


If you want to maximize growth you can pinch back everything but our permanent scaffold branches enough to assure the dominance of your chosen ones.

On a tree that young I only remove stuff which isn’t getting enough light. Maximal growth is my goal, removing mature leaves in the sun is short-changing growth.

Lots of that would get removed the next dormant season though.

Thank you! What are your thoughts on the dwarf apricot? A lot of the scaffolding branches I have chosen have more dominant ones off to the side



Maybe I’m just thinking of it wrong but do you only want one scaffolding branch or is it OK to have one that split into multiple or one or two.

Sorry it cut out. For example the branch with a little bag on it is the primary scaffolding branch that I chose in the spring. But there are two others coming off of it that are going to dominate. Should I cut the back now or wait until spring of next year? Also in the other picture you will see there is for other branches that came off the one scaffolding that I have.

So I can cut all the bottom new growth around the trunk and it wouldn’t effect the peach and mulberry tree?