Strange weather - Will it get our blooms and fruit?

Peach blossoms before Valentines Day. That seems concerning.

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Today is 46 degrees and the warming trends continue for the next 11 days towards 60 degrees. This could be a bad year year for fruit trees if there is a late frost in March or April. I have extension cords, light bulbs, and tarps ready to go just in case of late frost. Btw, the Orangered cot has been hand pollinated with Chinese Sweet Pit Cot and showed baby fruitlets. The Foster peach from Scott’ scion a few year back is about to bloom indoor. I will try to hand pollinate it with both Orangered and Chinese Sweet Pit and will grow some seeds for a new interspecific.


Orangered Cot

Foster peach



Will you put them outside on the warmer days? I brought a few grafted trees in to get going, but i’m going to leave the fruiting trees out for now because its a lot of effort moving them in and out of the house. This is where a greenhouse would come in handy.


I will leave them by the window for now and with the LED can lights as subpliment light. I will bring them outdoor in the end of April.


It was over 80 degrees yesterday. I was in the car and turned on the AC because I was so hot. Nankings are the first thing to bloom here, that warm air yesterday really got them swelling.


Is the earliest you’ve been that warm?

Yesterday was our warmest day here this year and we hit 47F. We have a layer of ice/snow left that has blunted the warming. Today we have strong NW winds with cooler air… temps look to sit between 32F-40F the rest of the week with plenty of sunshine. Perfect for this time of year.

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The newest NAEFS just builds the heat into the central US (most of the US is above norm) right through the end of Feb.


My potted dormant figs and apples are in my attic because we don’t really do basements here in NC, but I am concerned it’s going to be awfully hot up there. I guess they may need to go out back in the shade until they wake up.

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It feels kind of chilly here,but I’m glad to be in the purple. Brady

Yeah… Seattle looks downright cold in the long range…some subfreezing temps…

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It is , it set a record high by eight degrees.

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Derby ,
If Kansas and Missouri stay like this California and Florida don’t look as good as they once did to me (joking). The coast is absolutely beautiful and I can’t imagine any place nicer it’s not just about the temperatures. We really like the gulf in Texas even though the water is very different it’s beautiful in it’s own way. I’d live in those places but don’t care for tropical storms.


I’m in Nashville, just down the street are Dogwoods blooming and a Japanese magnolia in full bloom. I have plums and apricots about to bloom. If they keep opening there is a good chance of loosing them. On one hand I hate to see it happen but if we loose everything it will break the life cycle on the worms and we will have a couple years where we won’t have to spray.

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I like the gulf too, I like driving through east Texas on the way to the gulf also.

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People from the gulf probably wouldn’t like to live in Kansas because of the tornadoes, lol.

I like lots of open space, there are a lot of people in east Texas. Maybe I will move south when I retire,

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This is going to be bad this year, I"m pretty sure. Last year our first peach bloom was on March 13, which was the earliest ever. I bet this year is even earlier.

The risk for a frost out goes up with earlier bloom. The risk will be very high this year in the Midwest. My expectations for peaches (and possibly all tree fruit crops) are not high.

If we bloom in early March, that means we have to endure frost risk through all of March and April. Too long of time period for at least one arctic blast not to come through.


You can see those pictures above I posted last year of the blooms covered in snow and can tell just how bad the risk was. Nearly every pear had frost rings on them. What your saying is true but we don’t honestly know what will happen. At this point it’s not looking good for fruit in Kansas.

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It was close to 70 yesterday here, and in the low 60s today. It was odd being outside today with the wind blowing out of the north, and it doesnt have that chilly bite to it. Strange.

Plus, early this morning (2am), I went down to the house to check the locks, and it was a balmy 55°, when it was 20° a couple nights earlier.

Took advantage of the good weather yesterday, and did some major brush cutting down by the old house. Actually worked up a little sweat.

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Almost no snowcover across the north…

Vernon, TX was 98F yesterday


Meet you in Vernon Warmwx . Sounds good to me to get a 100 degree break from the cold.