Strange weather - Will it get our blooms and fruit?

Yes, a degree or so warmer here, but very cold. My plums are the farthest along and may suffer, but my peach trees look fine, some have no bud swell. Others very little.
A bummer I have to go up north for the weekend, I’m going into the deep chill, probably 0F up there! I’ll wave as I go by…

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We were going downdowndown but it just notched up a touch. Low 20 forecast here now. It looks like I’ll be out with the blowtorch again this weekend…

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Had 40mph+ winds all night here…Kept waking up hearing crap blowing around outside. The skies were clear too…34F or so…

Rick - I am in east central Iowa (Iowa City area). Though I’m on the map as 5b, I’m always 5 degrees colder than the nearest station of record in winter. So I’m really 5a. (I always get the a/b thing mixed up.)

Redhaven is also still hanging out biding its time for me. Its was my only peach until I planted more this weekend.

Have decided not to plant out newly-arrived nect from CA - I can see green buds on it.

I could just cry. It looks almost certain that its all over for me and most of my trees. When most of my trees started blooming in January (yes, JANUARY) and February, I knew it was almost certain that I’d loose most or all of my fruit this year. But then, after more than a month of continuing unseasonably warm weather and the calendar telling me it is almost mid-March, I started letting myself believe that I might just pull it off. I’ve been thinking I might just get to eat all those new peaches, plums, pluots, and more that I’ve planted the last 2-3 years. But a little hope is a dangerous thing, and now its going to steal my heart and soul. After most of JANUARY was in the 60’s and most of February in the 60’s and 70’s, and most of my trees having already bloomed or being bloomed out now, the weather forcast is calling for 1 night of hard freeze. Specifically. predictions are for 20 degrees here. I can’t imagine that leaves any hope at all for survival of any fruitlets, blooms, or even color-showing buds. This hurts more than anyone except you guys can know. WOW!!!


Looks like I may have to cover some pluots and apricots and hang some light bulbs. The temperature predicted to drop to 20 degrees on Sunday night. Labor of love!!!


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You can’t control the weather so try not to sweat it. You may be surprised. Last year I think it was Olpea who thought he lost most of his crop but ended up getting a decent harvest. So you just never know.


Just had a 53mph wind gust…

Current surface map…can’t see it on this, but just north of that low over Hudson Bay…there is a -51F up there…heading south for the border…

Reading about all those luscious, dripping California plums, peaches, and so forth makes us Northerners want to grow them. We would be better off to stick with elderberries and such other humble fruits, but after becoming addicted to this forum, that will never happen. Last night’s wind would have blown away any attempts to tent anything. Thankfully, we are still quite dormant yet. I’m glad I didn’t get my hoop house set up last summer, as it would probably have been kindling after this wind!

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I’m sorry to hear that. It’s going to be a bad yr for a lot of orchards. One thing I think it should make clear is why I have a greenhouse. We get at least some freeze damage on 80-90% of yrs. One doesn’t need a full greenhouse like mine. Just a structure like a high tunnel that’s only covered and heated during the very few critical damaging events.


These winds today are just insane… down in the river valley where i am, we usually miss out on the real strong stuff…but today its making it in here. Part of the city was without power earlier…guessing wind related. NWS says we should calm down 30-45mph this afternoon… still a bad hair day.

Welcome to the group :slight_smile: I have not been active much. As you know the weather recently has been crazy. I am in Z6/A. In the past I have covered my blossoms/trees with frost fabric but it didn’t do any good, ie the blooms fell off. I hate Z6. I call it the grey zone. I rather prefer Z5 where spring comes at the appropriate time. This year I covered some of my buds up again with frost fabric. How do you do yours and do you find it helps? The other thing is once I cover them I leave them on as I am too lazy to remove and cover :frowning: I checked our extended forecast, below freezing and snow flurries remain on the horizon :frowning: Thx!

I just have to stop looking at any longer range forecasts. Each time the cold comes, I look ahead and it seems like if we can just get through this one last cold snap… and then after that cold snap a week out or so in the forecast I start seeing the forecast change to a dip to the low 20s again. I thought this weekend would be the last, with forecast around 20-23 for three nights in a row, but then the middle of next week it looks like it is headed for the low 20s again. Ugh.

And with these warm days in between the trees keep creeping forward. I’ve written off my one peach tree, but now I’m seeing tight cluster on most of my apples that MSU projects a 90% kill at 21 degrees and a similar look to my pears although they might not be as badly hit according to that chart. So 90% kill one day, leaves 10%, then 90% kill of that leaves 1%, then 90%… I know it isn’t quite that exact, but hope is waning.

My currants are leafing out and my romance cherries are close as well, but I’m hoping at least those will be okay.

12z GFS paints a nice snow across Omaha…

I always wonder if a greenhouse could sustain winds like we’re having today

I just had to replace the garage screen door latch, after the wind broke it

Bummer! I hope this is not going to be the new normal. I may have to move near Richard and Patty in San Diego.




ooops @tonyOmahaz5

Hey…Take a number.
Patty is adopting me.



And @Richard is adopting me. I’m just waiting for the renovation to be over before moving in! :smile:


Just build a dome over your property. It’ll be 100F in there on a sunny, cold March day.

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