Watermelon Growing

If they are that’s a very unusual melon. All the watermelons I’ve grown need lots of active leaves thru fruit ripening. Then the fruit goes bad quickly. Those leaves have been dead a long time.

Looks like a seed company

I find that extremely hard to believe. How does one get 131melons to
all ripen at one time and from one vine. Notice how they’re all conveniently
lined up. BS!!

They must have removed the fruit for a few months to let the plants get really big.

edit: I missed that it says 90 days… skeptical as well.

I’m with others here calling BS! There are about 10 things I can think of that would seem to make what is shown impossible- lack of leaves, length and shape and layout of vine, uniform size and shape of melons, all of them being almost the same size, grown in what looks to be almost complete shade, etc etc. Its an interesting photo and I can’t prove its not true…but I’m HIGHLY suspicious. It’s not like it would be the first internet photo hoax !!!

I hate to admit when I’m wrong, but when I am its the right thing to do. I’ve done a fair amount of research on this and must admit it seems to be true. That being said, it sounded like it took a “team” of people working every day on these, along with genetically engineered seeds (not that I want to start a GMO argument because I don’t) and who knows what else. But it does appear one plant grew those.

Thank you, I never had a doubt about the yield just about the quality.

One thing I found interesting about this record setting watermelon thing is that all the articles made a big deal out of the fact that the growers carefully controlled the TEMPERATURE of the water. It never says if it was hot or cold or what temperature it was, but I sure wouldn’t have thought controlling the temperature of the water would have any impact. hmmm?

WHAT!!! Are you saying that not everything on the internet is true? Al Gore must be irritated!

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“Quality did not suffer given the large quantity”.

What does THAT mean? Taste? Nutritional value? You cannot address ‘world hunger’ with something that lacks any nutritional value. (I’m reminded of the plastic rice that was produced in China.) But clearly world hunger is just a PC add on, as they had their sights on Guinness.

Why do they not show one cut up? I would love to know the brix since it is a measure of mineral transport.
And why don’t they show the leaves? Is this some type of frankenfood?
Just sayin’

This is pure speculation on my part but maybe they removed all the leaves so there could be easier tracing of the vines verifying that they are from one plant. I know this could be achieved without removing the leaves but you certainly wouldn’t be able to tell it was one plant in a picture had they not removed the foliage??? That said, I still want to know, HOW DID IT TASTE?!? Who cares if you were somehow able to grow the worlds most productive watermelon plant if it tastes like a cucumber!! :wink:


yes, after he “invented the internet” he must have been shocked to see that some people used it dishonestly! And BTW…please don’t ever link internet inventor (please) Gore with TN. He grew up in the Fairfax hotel in Washington, DC. For some reason he claimed to be from Carthage, TN. That’s a tiny little town, yet no one can ever remember seeing him there. His dad did own land there, but that’s as close as he gets to being a Tennessean!



We weren’t too late we just picked our first melon. Not bad lots of rain lately


I’m so glad to hear and see that! Looks like a clemson sweet? One of my all-time favorites. And I can just tell from the photo that it was almost perfectly ripe and I’m betting it was very sweet. Congrads!

I have cut a few of mine but they really weren’t 100% ripe until I cut a GREAT one this morning. It was a Wilson’s Sweet and the first one of those I’d ever tried. It was GREAT. Glad we both didn’t waste our time. That being said, some of my vines are dying before the melons are completely right, so I still can’t say being so late worked out just fine for me. Also, the vast majority of my melons aren’t going to be fully ripe until mid September. I don’t know about you, Mark, but for me watermelons are a SUMMER thing and I’m not a big fan of watermelons in the fall! Next year I’m going to get mine out early even if I have to wade out in water to do it!!! :slight_smile:

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As a proud Tennessean, I second the sentiments of @thecityman with respect to Al Gore.


Two things:

  1. I can head to about one zillion different forums if I want to read and engage in disparaging political commentary. Let’s keep this one about orchards and gardens, please.

  2. One of you asked about melons on par with Crenshaw, also my favorite type of melon. Crane is an heirloom Crenshaw type that has a shorter season and is somewhat smaller than your typical Crenshaw, advantages in my relatively short growing season and with a refrigerator already filled at this time of year with garden bounty. I’ve grown many different melons across the years and it is always my best.




You are 100% absolutely right about that. I didn’t think it through and I apologize to everyone. It was inappropriate and I myself am glad this is a non-partisan forum, I didn’t bring up gore but I certainly advanced the topic and I sincerely regret it- won’t happen again.

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Fabulous watermelon for our area.

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