What fruits did you eat today?

Is that a Mazzard cherry?

My Asian pear was planted in the spring of '15 and has fruited every year since, including '15. The frost probably got some but I think letting it fruit the first year has stunted it a bit. Newly planted Asian pear tree fruiting

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First taste of Muscat du Venus. Small, hard, striped red over a green background with a faint purple tint. This is a really good, little apple. Sweet and crunchy with an unusual vinous flavor, yellow flesh, a little larger than a golf ball, the best Etter apple I’ve tasted yet.
Golden Russet. Today’s apple is much more like GR is supposed to be. Nice!

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Goldrush apples! I planted the tree 3 years ago and just started eating the fruits! I am soooo pleased with it! The fruits are almost all bugfree, as opposed to my Liberty’s fruits… !

Squirrels often taste the fruits… :frowning:


Had a couple unknown store bought jujubes (Li I think), some Mexican mangos, Ambrosia apples, bananas, and from my urban orchard I enjoyed my last fresh strawberries, blackberries and blueberries (which dried on the bush like raisins), as well as a few gojiberries and a calamansi from my garden. Later I’ll probably harvest some Chojuro Asian pear and a Fuji apple to share with my kids.

Here is the inside of Goldrush. Why no bug? I’m guessing the red color of Liberty’s apples attracted all the bugs and they left the yellow GR alone :thinking:


I’m surprised your GR ripened already. I was told that in my area, it will be in late Oct for the fruit to ripen. I’m in 6 a.

I can’t tell how dark those seeds actually were.

Mamuang: I was told about the same (late oct). But I couldn’t help myself and I want to beat the squirrels to them! They are delicious right now! If they become any better, they are gonna be incredible.

I used to like those small animals. Now, I dislike squirrels tremendously. I don’t even like birds anymore!!

I have 7 GR for the first time on my 3 rd year tree. I count them everyday :slight_smile:


bought nice size jujubee at Hmart for 0.88 per pound


Park jujubes

Sherwood jujubes, Li jujubes, Shanxi Li jujubes, Mu jujubes, Sugar Cane jujubes, China Yellow jujubes, Barhi dates, Gravenstein apple.


Mirabelle plum jam on croissants. Oh yum!

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Yellow strawberry guavas. Still a bit under-ripe, but good.

September honey nectarines, 30 plus brix and very good! These are the sweetest fruit I grow, very different and sweet end to the yellow nectarine season. Highly recommended if you like low acid fruits!


I had a Matsumoto today, no seeds this year! It was nearly all red and soft like a plum. Best Matsumoto I’ve had so far.


I’d love to taste a nectarine like that someday. Those look reasonably firm still (not mush) like some of the ultra-high brix fruit some people show. I’d give up a few brix to be able to cut with semi-sharp knife.


There are about two weeks old. Had a few ripe clementines, unknown figs, and miraculously SWD free raspberries. The clementines were good, not great with larger seeds and a lot of the white stuff that clings to the part you eat. They didn’t compare to the ones from Spain that come out I think around Xmas.? Figs were great, had about 30 that made there way into the house. Going to try and produce more next year.


Did the tree come from Burchell Nursery? Brady

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I wish you could taste these nectarines, texture is a key point in my taste evaluations! If it is soft I usually don’t like it. Firm fruits are my favorite!! These nectarines are best at 28 to 32 brix and semi firm! My intensly flavored peaches and nectarines at around 23 to 27 brix are my favorites but they are all mid season. These are my best late season fruits and the kids eat them like candy! A win, win, situation!


Yes, it was from Burchell Nursurary.