What is everyone eating from their orchard today?

Not my orchard but picked this beauty from a mystery apple tree at my Aunts house tonight. It’s a small tart green apple that’s not quite mature. Likely some type of crab but could possibly be something else. No blush on any of the apples and the tree was loaded. Might go grab some scions and bud this one on to an existing tree. Tree is about 10 years old and looks very healthy. No signs of any diseases.

My vigorously growing Emerald Beaut Plum gave only two plums this year which promptly fell off. This after I hand pollinated like crazy. Maybe, we didn’t get enough chill hours. Or so I thought.

This morning I peek out of my window and see a tennis ball lying in my orchard. Upon closer inspection, it’s an Emerald Beaut!

There were ants and a worm where the fruit had bruised. I cleaned up the fruit and sliced off the affected parts.

What great flavor! I could keep this fruit on the counter for a week and it would get even sweeter! And the fruit fell off over a month too early too.


It sounds as if the tree is too young to hold viable fruit. Sure is a good looking plum, though!

Thanks Scott. It’s good to see a pic of what I should be targeting. I must be at least a week behind you if not more. Here is a pic of my Superior and Satsuma trees from a few minutes ago.

The Superior isn’t coloring up at all yet, let alone close to ripe. Last year it was quite tart (~13 brix) on 8/7 and ripe (16-18 brix) on 8/14, at which point animals ate 17 of 20 fruit on the tree. Hopefully I didn’t under-thin too badly this year- it looks to be struggling under the weight.

Superior on left and Satsuma on right (bucket is inside the fence to give squirrels a sunflower seed/bath alternative):

This is my first Ayers (Sugar Pears) pears for 2015. Pretty sweet right off the tree. I’m going to let them stay on the counter and see if they live up to there nickname Sugar pear. Bill


Apricots today

Both are very sweet. Moongold with a stronger traditional apricot flavor. Puget Gold a little more tart and had I been blindfolded I might have guessed that it was a green plum rather than apricot .



Those look luscious.
If I ever get an apricot tree to grow and have decent harvests of traditional tasting cots, I will be a very happy and satisfied grower.

Your sign says Moongold and the paragraph says Moonpark. I’m not misunderstanding that it’s the same cot you’re talking about, am I?


That was a typo. I fixed it.


Asian pears about ready to be pick.




How much/close did you thin these?


I tried to leave one or two per cluster.


Tony you are in Asian Pear heaven. How good is that? They are all beautifully grown and full. I am sure the taste is the best! Beautiful!

They are sweet and very juicy. My favorites are Chojoro, Yali, Tennoshui, Shinseiki, and Korean Giant.


Yesterday, there’s a small Hosui dropped on the ground. I picked that up, cleaned and tried it with my wife. It’s sweet and quite ready with fragrant!

So today, I went out and cut few more to try. But it’s not quite ready yet. In a few more weeks…


Tony whats your 2nd pear there? It looks part European but not like I thought Tennosui looked.

I’m a bit surprised you guys have asian pears ripening, last I checked mine are not there yet.

The second photo is Mishirasu pear and the 3rd photo is Tennoshui (Greenish ).


MY asian pears are still unripe yet. I think they usually ripe sometime in Sept, Oct. depends on the weather. I recall Korea Giant ripens very late by end of Oct. one year.

I have Mishirasu but they don’t have the splotched russet like that… I guess its a climate thing.

I checked my pears one more time to be sure and found my Shinsui is ripening now. Yum!

Yes, at WNY, most Asian pears ripe at middle Oct. and Korea Giant at end of Oct. At my northwest China hometown. We enjoy pears at around middle Oct too. Jujubes also ripe at similar time when we have the traditional Chinese festival (middle autumn festival).

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Shinseiki is the first to ripen here in Zone 5, Omaha, NE. 8-1-15. Next is Shinko then Chojoro. Korean Giant is the latest to ripen.
