What is going on today 2017?

I love Kimchee!!! That looks so good!

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I would lay landscaping cloth over that foot wide gap in the back and then a layer of gravel to suppress the Bermuda grass amh0001.

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Some Kuban Comet Plums that are still hard.I never had these and am unsure what they look like fully ripe and will wait til there is some softness before picking.
Also,Silk Hope Mulberries that are definitely edible.There may be a few rooted cuttings available next year. Brady


Hi fruit nut. In Malaysia we call Durian “fruit of the gods” (or at least that’s what my dad says). He also tells people that it “tastes like heaven but stinks like hell!” Durian is literally banned on airlines and many hotels in Asia cause of its smell, lol.


Beautiful plums! Almost ‘day-glo’.


One small step for me, my first peach harvest ever! No spray Redhaven in container. I picked 2 today, a little too early, but they are tasty. Only about 10 fruits this year. Special Thanks for @fruitnut, @alan, @scottfsmith and others for your advise. :blush:


Cool, a 1911 45… Bet that has a little kick to it, ay?


Good job! Be aware pest pressure peaks at about the 5th year of production. You won’t know what you’re facing till then.


So i thought my cots were safe from PC…so i just let them be. They were looking good this spring…no hits or anything. Forgot about them…never sprayed them…i’m still finding pc larvae (very big at this point) in them. Its funny…i spray my plums hard…they are clean…they just say hey…i don’t like your plums anyways…i’m going to chill out on these apricots and raise my offspring.


I went to a Chinese market, the wife needed sweet rice, man they had all kinds of fruit, mostly dried, packed like wax berries? I have no idea? Red, melon seeds with flavoring that were orange in the center, and black at the edges, black dried plums, live blue and yellow eels! All kinds of fish swimming in tanks! Butterfish, cool looking! I could easily spend 500 bucks in there. About 10 thousands kinds of noodles. Some made angel hair noodles look large. I only bought a can of nectar (besides the rice).


Methley plums, just turning ripe, show some cracking after the rain


Picked a handful of green devils claws growing in the orchard today. We are going to try and cook them like okra and see it they are any good.


I love fresh mangosteen, how was the juice?

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The nectar was good, I never tasted this fruit, the place had a lot of interesting products. I’ll have to go back.

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Burbank’s White Blackberry is ripening here now. Incomplete fruits, missing drupes, low productivity. Very small fruits Very sweet and tasty berries, only a few handfuls a year, i still grow it anyway. I mix these with white currants, and yellow caps for jam.


Began bean harvest (Calima), and elderberries.
Pulled the rest of the onions (WallaWalla) and the last cabbage…

Grew it under netting. 5#. DH wants it turned into egg rolls tonight, LOL.


I’m curious how your experiment of putting out free veggies worked out. I ask because I’ve tried this several times with watermelons and I’m always disappointed. I’ve put out many watermelons right on the edge of the road-sometimes with a sign saying “take one”. But very often some jack-a$$ will come along and pick up every single one. One time I had a small car stop and load up 23 watermelons. It just sort of lowers my faith in mankind. The idea is for everyone to take one or two melons for their family, but often it ends up being some selfish person who takes all of them- most likely to resell I suspect since you can’t use 23 watermelons. Oh well…hope yours turned out better.

On a more positive note, the guy across the street has a small stand that is completely self-service and he rarely gets veggies stolen without pay and only had his money taken once in 4 years. That’s pretty good. I guess the fact that mine are obviously free makes people think they have permission to take all they want.


Next time put out a sign and a coffee can. “Watermelon $1”


My father in law had a set of tires he didn’t want, and put them out front with a free tires sign. No takers after 2 weeks, so he put out a sign, tires for sale and somebody stole them.


My corn is flowering! Yes!