What is wrong with my blueberry?

Hello, I was just wondering if someone could tell me what was wrong with my one blueberry based on the picture. I’ve tried using a foliar spray of iron and put some sulfur down about a month ago but no change that I can see. I have 3 other blueberries in the same raised bed and all the others are happy and healthy.

I had similar symptoms on my blueberries last year and it was fungal infection. Look at the dark sports on the stems, this is where the cankers are developing. I am not sure about effective treatment, but I’ve read recommendations to spray Captain. This is what I am doing this year.

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Very possible some sort of fungal infection. The only time I’ve had some leaves and branches die was because of, imo, lack of water…I let them dry out too much.

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Thank you both for your answers. I know it is not that I let them dry out. Their soil is kept nice and moist.

I will try the Captan. I usually prefer to use organic methods but I have no problem using synthetics when the situation calls for it in order to restore a plant to health.