What's Growing in Your Veggie Garden? Got pics?

If I were spending my day picking cotton in the heat, finding a watermelon, even a hot one, would make me happy, too.

Actually, I think finding a watermelon in an unexpected place would make my day even if I wasn’t picking cotton. :blush:


Bleedingdirt: what variety of eggplant is that? I’m only getting one friut per plant. I’m growing Black Beauty.

This is a black beauty too. But it’s a 3 year old plant. First year, it gave me 1 fruit. I dug it out that winter and kept it in a pot. Then last winter I just let it stay. It came roaring back to life!

Is the ribbed tomato Italian? I must add it to my mix next year!

Bleedingdirt, what is the ribbed tomato? Gosh it looks so gorgeous.

It’s a Costoluto Genovese. The tomato is very flavorful when ripened on the vine. But it’s very susceptible to blossom end rot and turns over-ripe in just a day.


I am getting lots of tomato fruiting up on my plants now. They are all green except the cherry tomatoes are finally turning red. I ate my first three today. My best boy is almost seven foot tall with over twenty tomatoes on it. I’ve eaten two wax peppers and some hot bananas. I cut those up and fried them with potatoes and onions with eggs for breakfast. One of the wax peppers was orange and pretty hot. That thing was like a eight inch jalapeno!

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I think I’d find it almost painful to have to wait until August for a ripe tomato. Those are probably overall the most eagerly anticipated item in vegetable gardens.

I was in the gardens early this morning enjoying the okra blooms. Their crimson throated butter yellow hibiscus blossoms have to be some of the most striking flowers in a veggie garden. Each bloom is open so briefly. It’s almost as if it is reluctant to be accused of showing off.

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I have to wait till August every year. By Sept I have more than I wished for. They are a couple weeks later than normal because of the cool wet weather. I like to can stewed tomatoes to make chilly with in the colder months. I put some of my peppers in with them. Other people in my area get them earlier. I just don’t have the best spot to grow them. Mine only get five hours of sun light.

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I only have a few paste tomatoes and cherry tomatoes in by July. My tomatoes were a little late going in this year so it looks like Aug. will be ok. I do not have an easy time growing tomatoes!

Here are some photos of my small veggies garden.


Some type of Purple Tomato I bought the plant from Trader.Joe. Very good taste and not runny and sweet. I cloned 6.more by shoot cuttings and will save some seeds for next year.

40 plants of different types of hot peppers for pickling in October


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I was digging up some potatoes yesterday and this plant had so many that I had to take a pic. It is Magic Molly, which I like the best of the 6 new varieties that I’m trying this year. It has an interesting earthy/nutty flavor that is distinct from most of the others. I’ve seen some complaints about yield online, but mine are doing pretty well in a raised bed. I remember that a few of the seed potatoes were pretty big, so maybe this plant was from one of the larger ones?

I planted on April 24, so this is after about 104 days.


Very nice harvest Bob. I will try to plant some next Easter Day.


Pole beans finally kicking off. Blue lake s7, they taste sooo good to me. Blue lake fm1 we grew last year had a large percentage of hollow beans and as the year went on they got worse and less tasty. Gotta go to work now so I’ll post the rest of the pics later


Concordia…Tiller bait

Chikn, you grow gorgeous beans. They look like good croppers, too! I’m glad your mega support structure withstood the winds and rain. Really looks like it was worth the effort to construct.




valentine zucchini :smile:

Very interesting! That would be great to serve with a special occasion dinner, like an anniversary. :heart_decoration:
Was that an act of nature or did you manipulate it?

This whole thread is about various degrees of manipulation :wink: