Thanks for the link.
It’s always nice to have more European nurseries that sell Peterson’s varieties. Too bad and Pepiniere du Bosc don’t have Allegheny available. I also would like to add it to my 2 Peterson’s varieties, Susquehanna and Rappahannock. I also have Prima, NC-1 and Mango.
They are still young trees and i know they are slow growing so i have to be patient but can’t wait to taste my first cultivated Paw Paw.
I also had (have?) a very small KSU-Attwood. It was dying and when i uprooted it i saw that some creature ate almost all the roots. This was last autumn. I moved it closer to the others in a desperate last attempt to save it. In that spot the soil has more coarse sand and the gophers? don’t like it, but it doesn’t drain too well because of a clay underlayer,
I checked recently and it’s in bad shape, the only thin branch it has suffered quite a bit with the unusual cold weeks we are having and is half black, but i have some hope it may pull through this spring. We will see in a month or so…
The tree in this photo is my Prima last spring. It’s the one that adapted best and it seems a fast grower. Nevertheless, in the first year i had to improvise some shade, because the summer sun was burning the young leaves.