2018 peach report

I’m sold out of peaches right, so I thought I’d write up a peach report for this year.

We aren’t through with the season, but getting near the end. Our next peaches to harvest are Encore, then Laurol, then Autumnstar, and finally Victoria (with a few odds and ends varieties in between there.

My evaluations are from more of a commercial perspective, but unlike a wholesale grower, I place high value on taste/flavor.

We got rid of all the super early peaches, so our earliest peach is -22. I’ve found any peach earlier than that has trouble building any sugar here. Most of the time those really early peaches ripen at the rainest time of the season.

The ripening times are for this year. Ripening times move some from year to year.

I place an asterix for peaches I consider some of the best for the given window, based upon the criteria (in no particular order) of production, flavor, and saleabilty at a farm stand. My opinions have also moved some from year to year, as I’ve discarded many varieties, tried new ones, and gained more experience with others.

*Earlystar:-22. Continues to be my favorite early yellow peach. Produces something every year and most years has a full crop. Nice sweet flavor for such an early peach.

*Spring Snow:-21. Probably my favorite white peach. This year production of this variety was sparse. But the peach tastes so good, I’ve forgiven a lot of it’s faults. One other thing I don’t like about it, is it picks really fast. It’s good for wholesale growers, but I wouldn’t mind this peach having a little longer picking window.

Harrow Diamond:-20. This one sets heavier than Earlystar in marginal years, but doesn’t generally taste near as good. This year it tasted as good because the weather was so dry. This is one I wouldn’t add any more of and would probably replace any trees which die with Earlystar.

PF7a:-15. This is an OK peach for this window. Color is better than some of the other peaches in this window, but size is a struggle. Peach flavor is strong, and there isn’t a huge amount fuzz. Sugar could be better on this one. It’s a fairly consistent cropper, as are most of the other peaches I have for this window.

Garnet Beauty: -15. An old standby. Consistent cropper. Decent peach. Don’t like it as well as Early Redhaven or Risingstar.

Surecrop:-15. Another standby. Generally nothing really outstanding. This year Surecrop had some really sweet peaches though.

Early Redhaven:–15. Another consistent cropper. Better than Garnet Beauty imo.

Sentry:-15. This peach really sucks productionwise. I have 3 of these trees which are big, and they never produce hardly anything. They are finally coming out this winter.

*Glenglo:-14. This is a Loring seedling which reminds me a lot of Loring (only much earlier). These trees produce huge tasty peaches. The trees have a nice spreading pattern. There is never a drop of bac. spot on the leaves or fruit. The only drawback, like Loring, is that it’s challenging to get a full crop on it, in our marginal climate. This year the yield was maybe half of what it should have been, considering the size of the trees. This is about normal for this variety. One nice thing is that this variety has consistently produced something every year for the last 4 years, but hardly requires any thinning.

*Risingstar:-14. Probably just edges out Glenglo for the sweetest peach of this window. But size is much smaller than Glenglo. This is a really tasty peach. And reliable cropper.

JunePrince:-8. This one tree is slated for removal. This thing never produces anything in our climate.

Nectafest nectarine:-6. This is the best nectarine I’ve ever tasted. But it hardly produces anything here. Slated for removal.

SurePrince:-6. This is the first year this one fruited for me. It produced lots huge peaches, with a good red color, but the peaches lacked good sugar. Even though the peaches were very large, they had incredible hanging abilty. Here is a crate of them with a few Clayton peaches on the right for comparison. The Clayton peaches weren’t nearly as impressive looking, but they actually tasted quite a bit better. I have one tree of SurePrince and plan to keep it for further evaluation.

Clayton:-5. Probably the best tasting peach for this window, but they want to drop badly, which is a big deal for commercial production. Size isn’t that great. Productivity is not bad, but not great either.

Saturn:-5. Many people have grown this flat white peach. Most customers go bananas over these peaches, just because the sugar is so high. It’s like candy. They are OK to me because they don’t have that much flavor. I eat one and I’m good for the season. This variety has been very productive. Unlike others, I don’t have any problems with rot with this one. No bac. spot either. The biggest issue by far with this peach is that it’s very difficult to pick without stem tears. If you wait till they are dead ripe and almost ready to fall off, they can be picked without tearing. The amount of stem tears is very frustrating when trying to sell these peaches.

*PF9a-007:-5. This is by far my favorite peach for this window. Doesn’t taste as good as Clayton, but productivity is excellent. These trees produce like mad and flavor is good. This variety will size a peach even under a heavy crop load.

Harken:-5. It produces about the same size peach as Clayton, but flavor isn’t as good. It doesn’t drop like Clayton does, which is a plus. But Clayton sets better in marginal years.

*Redhaven:-0. The gold standard for this window. Produces every year. Good tasting peaches. This year we overcropped some of these trees and they produced some really small fruit. This is the first time this has happened with this variety. I suppose I got a little over confident in how much fruit these trees can carry. I did that with several of the more productive varieties this year and got some small fruit.

Vinegold:-0. One of those California cling peaches used in canneries like DeMonte canned peaches. These have the same texture as TangOs flat peaches. Sort of a chewy texture. I had wanted to experiment with growing some California clings to see what they were like and to see if they produced a better canned product. I figured out I don’t have time to can during the peach season anymore, and people don’t like the texture as much as a melting flesh peach, so I removed this variety this year after it fruited. The peaches are tasty and sweet, but most people don’t like the texture for fresh eating.

TangOs I:+1. Flat peach which has a distinct flavor and chewy texture. They are hard to keep the skin looking good on them, and they rot some on the trees. You have to give out samples to get people to buy them. They will then buy them, but not a lot at a time. Considering these peaches don’t sell super great, they are probably more trouble than they are worth.

*Starfire:+1. Good peach which has a little better color than Redhaven. Never sets quite as heavy as Redhaven, but always seems to set a full crop. Good flavor.

Raritan Rose:+3. White peach of decent flavor. It can have some productivity problems, but this year set a full crop. It drops badly, if you let them fully ripen on the tree.

Galaxy:+4. This variety never produces here. It blooms too early and the blooms are too frost sensitive. I had two trees. Already removed one and plan to cut the other one down soon.

Blazingstar:+4. This is a really tasty peach. It does have some baggage. It can be a stingy producer in marginal years. In good years, it oversets and must be thinned very hard to get adequate size. But it is one very fine tasting peach. Peaches are very round.

Johnboy:+5. Good tasting big peaches, but like it’s sister, Loring, it’s rare it sets a full crop. This year fruit set was OK, but nothing great.

PF Lucky13:+6. Same as Johnboy. Hard to get a decent crop out of this one. Big fruit though.

TangOs II:+6. Nice green skinned white peach. It’s tougher to grow than TangOs I. It cracks a lot more and doesn’t set heavy in marginal years. Most people prefer TangOs I to TangOs II. TangOs II is a very distinctive white flat peach. It’s probably my second favorite behind Spring Snow.

*Challenger:+7. This is only the second year I’ve harvested anything off this variety. But so far, I am very impressed. Set good full crops, even on young trees. Fruit was deep red and tasted delicious, just like last year. It’s starting to look like this is the best option for this window in my climate. The fruit is a tad on the small size, but they are still young trees and I cropped them heavily, so I expect size to pick up some.

PF15a:+8. This variety always sets very well. It produces very red fruit and is one of the few varieties where the peaches sunburn some. It tends to produce small fruit. This year I overcropped these trees and got some really small fruit. The fruit tasted really good though.

Summer Beaut nect.:+11. Hardly any production from a full sized tree. Nects had a good flavor, but nothing compared to Nectafest. Planned removal.

Ernies Choice:+11. Really a great tasting peach here. It can set pretty light some years. It does produce very uneven sized fruit.

Blazeprince:+11. This tree didn’t set hardly anything this year, nor last year. It’s starting to look like an unproductive variety here. Flavor is very good.

PF17:+12. Nothing really remarkable about this peach. Didn’t set very well this year.

*Allstar:+12. Produces like crazy every year. Requires lots of thinning. It’s a decent peach, but normally must be picked firm ripe, or it can get mealy if left on the tree some years. Left to counter ripen it’s a very nice peach.

Glohaven:+13. A stingy producer in marginal years. It does produce huge eye popping peaches, which are tasty, though.

Harrow Beauty:+14. I grown this variety quite a few years. It’s either feast or famine with this one. It either sets super heavy, or hardly sets at all. It’s a decent tasting peach, but like Allstar can sometimes get mealy if left on the tree too long.

Winblo:+14. Good peach, but production is problematic in marginal years. It’s about like Ernies Choice in that regard. It produces very uniform fruit, but doesn’t taste quite as good as Ernies Choice in this climate.

Intrepid:+14. This is another of the NCSU breeding program that I’m optimistic about. Flavor is good this year and I’m thinking this one is going to be a consistent producer like Challenger.

Canadian Harmony:+16. I’d really like to replace this variety. Too may production issues. Poor production in marginal years. Bac. spot is pretty bad also. Fine tasting peach.

Loring:+19. Big peaches. Just very temperamental in marginal years, when it can produce nothing. Even in good years this one has never had great yields. Contender is a better option for this window here.

Bounty:+19. Production just sucks with this one. This variety never produces anything worthwhile here. Loring produces better than this one, and that’s not saying a lot. I never understood why they called this one Bounty. Not bountiful at all.

*Contender:+21. Very consistent heavy producer. The peach isn’t quite as good of quality compared to others in this window, but still decent. This one is the preferred peach for commercial production in this window for our climate.

*Veteran:+22. I like this old time peach. Nice peachy flavor. Size isn’t great, but not horrible. Consistent heavy producer. The flavor is a tad better than Contender. Color isn’t great but it’s attractive enough for a farm stand.

PF23:+23. Not very productive. Nothing remarkable. Eventually would like to replace these trees.

Scarletprince:+23. Very beautiful deep red peaches, which have produced well so far (two years harvest observations). The fruit is a bit small though, but I’m hoping size will pick up some.

Babygold#5:+23. This is another CA cling peach like Vinegold. Tasty peaches, but can’t sell them here because of texture.

*Baby Crawford:+24. I’m liking this peach more every year. Sets full crops every year. Unique appearance with little red blush but a nice gold background. Flesh is striking because there is no red in it. Reminds me a lot of Carolina Gold, only ripens a week earlier. Nice tasting peach.

PF24C:+24. Good tasting peach. So far it’s never been very productive for me.

*Julyprince:+25. This is a really good peach for this window. Heavy producer of deep red uniform peaches which taste very good. This year I really pushed the window and let this one overset. It did give me some small fruit, but still pretty good for how many fruit were on the tree.

Augustprince:+26. First year fruit. Bad bac. spot and poor fruit size. Not very optimistic about this one. But this may be a mislabel because it’s not ripening in it’s correct window, and Clemson evaluations rate this as a large peach.

Glowingstar:+27. Not the greatest producer. Nothing remarkable about this one, imo.

Cresthaven:+27. Can’t seem to get this variety to produce much for me. Julyprince is a much better peach for this window.

Sweet Cap:+27. White donut. Not as good as Saturn. More like just a regular white peach. Plan to remove it.

*Madison:+27. A lot like Veteran, only a week later. Consistent producer. Peaches don’t color well, but they aren’t ugly and will sell at a farm stand. These are workhorse varieties, which always produce lots of peaches with lots of old time peach flavor.

Gloria:+28. This is what’s called a “stony hard” variety. It won’t hardly soften much, but it is very sweet. Hard to sell from a farm stand, but wholesale growers would probably love this peach. Very productive. I’m getting rid of the three trees I have of this one.

PF25:+28. This is the first year this variety didn’t produce well. Otherwise it’s normally a productive and tasty peach.

Redskin:+28. Productive even in marginal years. The only drawback on this one is the color is horrible. Some years, like this year, the skin is somewhat green, even when the peach is dead ripe. Madison is probably a better alternative to this peach for trying to sell it.

*Carolina Gold:+29. This peach has really grown on me the last few years. At first my one tree of this variety was a really shy producer. But these last few years it has really become one of the best producers. Beautiful gold fruit with a very slight blush. I have a couple more of these I planted in the last year or two and plan to add another 8 trees next spring.

Fantasia nect:+30. Another loser nect for me. Doesn’t produce very well and hard to sell.

The following varieties we haven’t harvested yet this year, so observations are based on previous years mostly.

Lady Nancy:+30. Always sets lightly here. Produces huge white peaches which have some acid. This is the last year I will be keeping these trees.

PF27a:+32. Doesn’t produce much, even in a good year. Planned removal

PF28-007:+32. See PF27a

Messina:+32. See PF28-007

O’henry:+33. Bad bac. spot. Low production in marginal years. Does taste very good. Peaches are very round.

Encore:+33. Heavy producer, but have a hard time getting these to build adequate sugar. We’ll see how this year’s turn out.

*Laurol:+38. Generally heavy producer of large good tasting peaches. Fairly susc. to bac. spot, but not as bad as O’henry.

*PF35-007:+40. Really productive peach with good flavor. Deserves to be planted for this window.

Autumnstar:+43. Good tasting large peaches. Production can be problematic in marginal years. This year the trees had full crops. PF35-007 is a better option for this window.

*Victoria:+45. Lightly blushed large peaches. Very attractive, even though they lack a lot of blush. Taste really good too.


Always appreciate your reports Mark. Lots of great information. Thank you.


Always look forward to your reports Mark. I skim down in search of the varieties I have to see how they rate in your view, and then re-read the entire post. As you know we were froze out for the most part, but did get a hand full of Intrepid & Madison. The Intrepid were really good, and we cut a couple up one night when we had some friends over (who we’d planted a young Intrepid tree earlier this spring) so they could taste it. His first comment was “It just melts in your mouth…, I didn’t even have to chew it”

Madison aren’t ready yet.

I’ll be looking for information on Earlystar now, but in your opinion would it be worth my while to try an Earlystar here? I know our weather isn’t the same, but most of the peaches I have in now are from your recommendations - so if it’s generally a fairly hardy variety for you maybe it’ll do good here too?


Hi Jerry,

I’ve been growing this one a long time and it produces something every year here. But about the coldest it’s gotten here since I’ve been growing peaches is about -12F. But temps like that will thin most varieties hard and completely remove fruit from a lot of varieties. But it’s weathered through our cold winters fairly well. I’m not sure how it would handle your colder winters. I’ve never read it’s especially cold hardy like some of the varieties you’ve mentioned. But, I’ve never really seen much comment on it at all. So I’m just not sure how it would work in IA.

I should probably note when I mention it’s my favorite early yellow peach, I mean for that early window. It’s a really tasty peach, but some later season peaches are better. Even comparing Earlystar with really tasty peaches which come a week later, like Glenglo and Risingstar, it would be hard for me to say which has better flavor. But in my area it’s the first yellow peach which has consistently good sugar and flavor in that much needed early window. So it gets a lot of points from me, for that.

It maybe worth a trial. It is still under patent, so I’m not able to share wood of it. And it could be hard to find. I bought and planted 20 more trees of it this spring from Adams County, but they seem to run shorter and shorter of peach trees every year. As a side note, I would really like to try Tiana from them, but they had no trees of that to sell at all, even though Rutgers exclusively licensed the variety through them (Note to Rutgers - you could probably make more patent revenue if you’d license your new releases through more than one nursery-which can’t meet demand.:astonished::money_mouth_face:)

Earlystar does get it’s share of split pits, but I sell those as long as they aren’t open, so that doesn’t bother me too much, nor does it seem to bother my customers. The tree has a poor growth habit and is prone to blind wood, and lots of straight up growth. But that part is somewhat manageable.

Btw, the peach is very dark red and would be easy for commercial growers to pick very early, making it a yucky peach to eat. But if left on the tree till firm ripe, or soft ripe, it’s a delicious juicy sweet peach.


I was absolutely thrilled to see your peach report come out today, it is something I always look forward to. Super helpful to hear about varieties that don’t perform well for you and why as well as those that do.
Thanks for taking the time to provide so much information Mark!

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Great review. Thank you for taking the time to post your review of these peaches. I have three varieties that you mentioned you like. I agree with your analysis of those three I have. You review makes me wan to plant a few more varieties.

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I think if I can source one I’ might give it a whirl.

My wife doesn’t actually believe me when I tell her that I’m “trialing” my eight peach varieties, and the ones who don’t preform I plan to remove. I haven’t removed any of them yet, but last winter the -21 got most of 'em, and the winter before -13 didn’t seem to impact Redhaven or Madison at all. The others were either younger or just couldn’t take it, but I’m slow to pull the trigger on removing them - waiting to see if we get a milder winter I guess :wink:

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My dad and I had bad die-back on 4/6 of the newer NCSU (Challenger, Intrepid, and Carolina Gold) peaches going through our -21 winter last year. Collectively we had no damage to established Redhaven and Contender trees. It isn’t anywhere near a scientific observation as we only had a handful of trees and the ones that did better were more mature. Ultimately 1 of our 6 NCSU peaches died this summer, likely due to lingering winter damage.

Even at -21 F I had about a dozen blooms on Redhaven this spring before we moved and my dad got 2 Contender off his 3 year-old tree.

It is good to hear that Challenger, Intrepid, and Carolina Gold taste good. Though I think their pedigree doesn’t necessarily mean they are proven selections for those of us up north in marginal peach country. I think with how well Contender does up here, I was hoping for similar performance from the newer NCSU varieties. I guess time will tell.

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Just wanted to say how much I’ve come to enjoy your peach reports- thanks so much for taking the time to do them. I had a really good peach year and it has really inspired me to start working on my inventory of trees/varieties, so your reports are really helpful. BTW I cut down that peach tree you and I talked about possibly having a disease. I’m planning some other changes, too, especially to try to spread out my harvest more. Thanks again.


Depending on preceding temps. Further north when we have cold winters the lows don’t thin fruit at -12f in my experience, at least not enough to notice. I seem to get more reliable set from varieties that are very variable for you. It turned out that I even got a good crop of very good peaches from my Winblo this year- the peaches were big enough that what looked like a very thin crop was probably the perfect load once they ripened. What surprised me is that they ripened with Jonboy and not Earnie’s Choice this year so they were very useful to me. I haven’t replaced the single Jonboy in my orchard that fell over on its 20th year or so. I got to about -15 here one morning last winter. But it was in mid-winter and trees were prepared.

I realize you are aware of this, but your report and comments haven’t included this disclaimer, which may be of use to more northern growers. For them, I think it’s important to know that my experiences with varieties in S. NY and CT are much different than yours and even with lower lows I get high yields dependably from varieties that don’t work for you.

In the winter of 16-17 we had very mild temps and the effect of a relatively modest low (something like -12F, but I’d have to look it up) in mid Feb was pretty devastating. That showed me what you must experience on a regular winter there.


Drew, did you ever go back to know if the blooms came through to make peaches?

I had a super encouraging spring after that -21 stuff, with a lot of blossoms on my PF24C for example, but every single blossom turned out to just do nothing. Other varieties had a few here and there and they dropped as well. But the only tree I actually had some minor branch die-back on was Redhaven, and it’s my oldest at 5 years.

With all this rain I noticed something odd (which I attribute to the rain, but it may not be that…) with the peaches on my Madison tree. I wanna say there were only 13 blossoms that made peaches, but they have been quite undersized this year, and a few would fall if you barely touched them, even though they were still kinda hard. I’d bring them in the house and they’d be fine to eat in a couple days. The rain hasn’t seemed to water down the taste that I can tell, they taste great to us - but I took 125 peaches off this tree last year and I just can’t recall them being so touchy even when they were much bigger last year. I only have two still on the tree that I’ll take in a couple days I think. (I literally have them encased in chicken wire…)

Here’s a couple shots of some Intrepid.

Both my Madison & Intrepid are 4 year old trees, so I’m hoping that as they get a little longer in the tooth that they’ll do even better in harsh winters. I wasn’t expecting anything this year, so I count it a complete bonus that I had anything at all this year:slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks Mark! Here are some comments on my peaches this year. These are more the exotic home grower kinds, not the commercial kinds.

Overall I did really well on the OFM and PC, this year I put down a very good amount of mating disruption and I think they did in about 90% of the OFM. I also used Bt and spinosad in my Surround sprays. The PC are usually not bad as long as I make sure to hit them with Surround. Rots are also not bad with Indar in the mix, in spite of massive amounts of clouds and rain later in the summer.

As usual squirrels and deer are my biggest problem … I lost most of the early peaches to squirrels as always. The deer are getting many of the low ones.

Gold Dust - The early peach that tastes like a mid-season peach. I only wish I could keep the squirrels out of it, I never get many. In spite of being a California peach it does well for me.
Shazzi (my new name for Sha Zi Zao Sheng) - This extremely large white cling peach has a really nice honeyed flavor. It is prone to some unusual kind of spotting which may be due to stinkbugs, otherwise its excellent. The heavy branches bent way down and the deer got most of them.
Clayton - My tree had borers but is finally starting to get some vigor back. The peaches this year were excellent! A classic yellow peach. I didn’t have any dropping issues.
Mericrest nectarine - All the rain was very hard on this one, the skin is too thin. It is also more disease prone than others. The taste is very good if a touch mealy. This tree is probably getting topworked.
Kit Donnell - Fine but not great like it was last year. In its favor it was raining a lot at harvest.
Summer Beaut nectarine - Much better than Mericrest in terms of fruit condition, and ripening at a similar time. Its not the most intense nectarine in the world, a little watery compared to the best, but its very good. Excellent skin condition, it really stands out in this regard and is right now looking like my overall best for my rough climate. Mark, my tree sets extremely well, I had to prop it up.
Nectar - A small but very good white peach, it has the classic white peach flavor without any off flavors.
Ernie’s Choice - Excellent as usual, the perfect home grower peach in that it produces large tasty fruits and if you don’t thin enough it thins more on its own so you will get big fruits. I am having fewer problems than the other peaches ripening in a rainy period.
Flavortop - A fine nectarine but not any better than the others. Getting too much rot, the weather has been bad but still it should not be rotting as much.
Sunglo - A good nectarine, better texture than Summer Beaut but smaller. Taste is similar, Sunglo may be a touch better. The skin is not quite as bullet-proof as Summer Beaut.
Early Crawford - Some great, some getting browned/gooey by the pit, some a bit mealy, all too small. I might turn this tree into Baby Crawford.
Athena - Deer are getting the lower ones but the upper ones are good. Not so much rot with my more intense disease program. The fruits have the mild honeyed flavor of a honey peach; brix is high at 21.
Foster - This tree is not in the sunniest spot and I don’t end up getting many fruits on it. The fruits are more prone to bugs and diseases. Overall its not really working where it is and I may just remove it, in spite of it being perhaps my tastiest peach overall. Sugars are also very high.
Baby Crawford - This tree also bent down too much and the deer cleaned up. I got a few though which were very good. Its not the very top of the taste pile but its a very reliable tree with little rot and the like on the fruits so its a winner.
Sanguine Tardive - This is a fantastic peach, its much more reliable than Indian Free and nearly as good in taste. It sets like crazy, I need to thin it a lot more than I have been.
St. John - I had problems with rot before switching to synthetics. Now it is doing well and I should find a better spot for it as it is a unique peach with a pure yellow (no orange) color and a unique rich taste.
Hufflepuff - This is a peach I grew from seed, so far the fruits are small but they are unusually sweet so I am going to keep it.
Oldmixon Free - Very large fruits this year due to a light set; it is an excellent classic white peach with a good amount of acid. The fruits can get a little gooey by the seed, but its a minor issue.
Fantasia - this nectarine doesn’t seem very happy, there are lots of skin problems on it. The taste is excellent though, right at the top of the nectarine taste pile.
Sanguine Chateauneuf - these are similar to Sanguine Tardive, an excellent red-fleshed peach. They come in a couple weeks later so it puts me in red peaches for a long time.
Indian Cling - Another massive crop of perfect-looking cooking peaches. But the branches bent down from the weight and the deer are getting many.
Indian Free, Heath Cling and Salwey have a long ways to go before they are ripe.


When did Foster ripen for you? I have one large Foster peach on a graft. It is in the Clemson bag so I can’t even see its skin color. Don’t know when to pick it. Hopefully before a squirrel finds it.

Thank you @Olpea and @scottfsmith for the great reports. You guys make us want more varieties than we have spaces for.


It was maybe three weeks ago, so it should be ripe for you about now.

Oh I noticed I left out Baby Crawford, I added it.

Half a dozen varieties the deer got all so I didn’t bother to type the names in. I am going to work harder to get the peaches higher, several varieties have all the peaches high and I got a really good harvest on those.

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Drew,. I’ve definitely seen younger peach trees more winter tender. I’ve even had a fair amount die in our climate, but I made them more winter tender by pruning them.

In fact I lost about a half dozen young peach trees last winter because the deer pruned them heavy.


I’ve noticed more dropping than usual on later varieties this year. Don’t know what’s causing it, but I don’t think it can be all attributed to animals. Here’s a Laurol tree not ready to be picked yet.

I don’t know if it shows up in the pic, but there is quite a bit of fruit on the ground. Some trees are much worse.

When is the latest time we should safely prune peach trees?I would like to prune mine after harvest but Autumn Star does not ripen until mid Sept. We don’t get real cold until late Dec ( in a normal year)


I’ve not sure how the winters back East affect peach trees there.

Here, I like to get through pruning peaches by October, but that rarely happens. I don’t prune young trees in the fall at all anymore.

There is one commercial grower here who prunes his peach trees all winter long, but most don’t do that here. But I have done that before in a pinch.

Thanks Scott for your informative report.

It always amazes me how you and Alan get so much more productivity out of varieties which are very marginal here.

Thanks for the report. Man, with deer and squirrel taking so much of your fruit it sounds like a war of attrition. That’s gotta be maddening after all the sprays you do to get clean fruit to have it spoiled by those varmits. I’m sure they appreciate your efforts!