25 asian pears - there are so many more than this

Hi Clark- how do you describe or rate paili? My grafts took off on the HCrisp tree on 84 and branched. This variety might need to be on north side when grafting.

I grow yoinash for many years. It’s FB resistant. It usually is ripe ( black seeds) around September 10 in Chicagoland zone 5


Here is my 2024 dripping honey picture.
It is very large size pear that ripen around mid of September, a week late than Yoinash.
Most my dripping honey is around 1 lb range if the tree was thinned properly in the spring.


PaiLi, no FB issue, productive, and sweet, crispy. Ripen around September 26 in Chicagoland, zone5.
Is around 250g each pear considered small/medium/large size?


It could just be the lighting in the photos or my mind playing tricks on me, but the (correct) Moonglow pictures Robert posted above do look like they have a very slight pink/red blush on them. Nursery photos, in addition to being stock photos/wrong fairly often as mentioned, also seem to have the color saturation cranked way up to look prettier.

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I read this full article Clark… from where the picture you posted came from… no mention of Atago that i could see.
A member guessed that it was Shin-Li in the comments… the poster guessed it was Seuri.

Are you saying its Atago? Or do you think that one of the other guesses is correct?

For sure not Shin Li, I have that one. My Seuri has not fruited, but I’m guessing that’s it. Seuri is supposed to be ugly and the one in the pic fits that description.

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@Robert I checked the tag for the pears I think are Moonglow - it says Moonglow. It is a tree that I bought at Lowes. So I looked up the description of the pear and Stark describes it this way -
“The Moonglow Pear, a variety originating from Maryland and introduced in 1960, stands out for its distinct features. Its large, blushed fruit draws attention . . .”

So, I’m thinking that perhaps YOU had a different pear? Here’s one of my pics. I picked them yesterday.


I think that you may be right. Or perhaps the ones that get a lot of sun have more blush. Mine definitely have a blush - and unless the tree was tagged incorrectly at the nursery . . . (which is always a possibility) they are Moonglow.


Me and everyone else.
Moonglow from Auburns post:
Moonglow from Ampersands post:
Moonglow from k8tpayaso post:
My Moonglow:

I bought 6 pear trees from Lowes and every one of mine turned out to be Ayers. Mislabeled trees at Lowes is not hard to believe. Your pics look a little like Ayers. @PomGranny


I picked some more and took a photo of some on the tree. I now think they are Moonglows. They aren’t that different in shape than the pears others posted . . . and mine got more sun than some - so they have a blush. But, not all did.
Anyway . . . . I plan to send off for a DNA kit . . . just to be sure of their heritage.


Mount Vernon Asian Pear.