Apple Tree Borers - Autopsy

It’s always sad when you get a new pest you’ve never had before. I lost two trees to wind this year at the soil line and because I hadn’t experienced Apple Tree Borers before I didn’t immediately recognize the break was a symptom/the borers being the real problem.
Today I noticed a three year old Hauer Pippin completely dead from top to bottom. The base of the tree snapped off when I pushed it and this was the underside:

Inside those tunnels were two of these monsters:

They’re quite large, larger than you’d think which is why it’s so easy to see how they can kill off a tree. What I didn’t notice, but realize now, is the telltale sign is TONS of orange frass around the base of the tree, as if someone took orange sawdust, made a putty out of it, and stuck it all around the base of the tree. I walked my entire orchard and found two more infected trees that were still alive but definitely have these guys inside them. Proceeding to treatment later today.



Borers are so frustrating. I just found some damage on one of my apple trees this weekend. I have found that borers are really good at finding sunburned areas on the tree. I almost always get damage in those spots.


Sorry to hear of the loss of your two trees. Others may weigh in, but I have heard painting with white latex may make the trunks less attractive to them. Even if not, it apparently makes the initial damage stand out more against the white paint and gives a chance to respond faster.
Seeing your pics, i now have something else to worry about in addition to the subterranean voles that have stripped the roots of several of my apple trees!


I am sorry. As they attack younger trees. You wait 3 years for fruit and in 3 year you also get borers!