ASR hand pruner losing finish

Wondering if I have a counterfeit ARS pruner or the result of cleaning it in Simple Green? It’s two years old and the finish is coming off. Is that normal? Only thing I’ve used on it is Simple Green but at times the Simple Green was on it for several hours.

It’s not normal. Mine is 6 years old and has it’s finish.I do clean mine about once a week.

Agree with Drew

I would assume that the simply green is stripping the chrome finish off, I know guys that use it for removing chrome. I don’t have an ASR pruner but I do see that it has “hard chrome” on them. Simply a matter of using the wrong cleaner, shouldn’t really impact function but I would take it as a learning opportunity. I usually refer to these types of errors as “idiot tax”, I certainly have paid the tax man plenty!


Did you buy that off amazon? Off the bat im confused by why the phillips head screws would be so cheap, I doubt that is legit. Simple green purple is definitely the one you should clean metal with however if you want to use a simple green product.

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I did some reading on their website and agree Simple Green purple is preferred for metal. The green should be ok on metal but only for short times and should be rinsed off, not a long soak.
I bought the ARS pruners on Ebay at a discounted price so maybe they are counterfeit. Now they don’t look good but still work ok.

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