Au Cherry Plum air layer

Low take/root method of air layer. Only one out of three rooted. I must admit that I put a minimum effort into these. No water or treatment added.


I’m attempting any air-layer (Is an “air-layer” a chicken who can lay eggs and fly at the same time? Sounds dangerous) on a marianna rootstock shoot that grew out from below the graft on an apricot tree and you’ve reminded me I need to check it. I’m thinking I need to let it winter over, grow a while in the spring, and then separate it and plant it. I’m open to advice here!

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I’d like to know too. I air layered a couple of Marianna towards the end of summer. I know, I should have done it earlier. I can see roots but are there enough. If I were to put a graft on it there wouldn’t be much demand on the roots. Your opinions please.


Just my opinion. If there are only a few roots I would wait until it is completely dormant to remove. Then I would carefully put it in a bigger pot. Then I would cut the top back to two or three of the lower limbs. At the appropriate time in your area I would graft to these small limbs. If all takes I would remove all but one and carefully tie the new graft upright over a few months time to keep from breaking the new scion. You could just cut it back and wait a year to graft.