Banana Beer

This is one of the most interesting recipes I’ve come across. I don’t intend to make it, but perhaps there is some other adventurous soul here who would care to try it and share the results.

Making banana beer

The bananas must be very ripe.

In the rainy season
let them finish ripening laid on a hurdle
over the fire where the cooking is done.
During the dry season
make a pit in the ground.
On one side of it, dig a little ditch.
Cover all the sides of the pit
with green banana leaves.
Pack the bunches of bananas in the pit.
Cover them with banana leaves and earth.
Light a fire in the ditch
and let the warmth and smoke into the pit.
Keep the fire going every day
until the bananas are quite ripe.
his takes about six days.

Then take away the leaves and earth.
Peel the bananas.
Half-fill a hollowed-out tree trunk with banana pulp.
Cover with fine grass.
Knead the pulp with a little water.
Press it and let the juice run out.

Then put the juice in a vat or earthenware jar
with germinated millet and a little beer.
Cover the vat or the jar
with grass to act as a filter.

The beer can be drunk the next day
through a straw or wooden tube.
This beer will not keep for very long.

What do you think? Is banana beer something you would drink?

I am pretty adventuress when it comes to food but this looks like at best you would get a sour thick fluid with a kick, :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: , lol

I prefer my bananas fostered or split or flambeed

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I like to take my overripe bananas and put them around my rose bushes, lol.

You guys evidently don’t have the problem of having too many unripened bananas to sell. :smile:

I don’t have the requisite hollowed out tree trunk. I don’t even have any unripe bananas, much less enough to fill a pit.