BYOC Iowa style

4 trees per grouping, all managed around 5’5"-6’. Nice open centers.


Wow, fancy planters you have there! Looks great overall. You are doing a good job off keeping competition out of the center. They can eventually fill in a bit more there but at this point its good to get them more focusing on the outward side so its not too much work later on the inner part.

Wow! I guess a guy would have to get over being skittish about pruning PDQ!!! That’s a sweet set-up. So I assume everything made it through the winter then? Are they all in the same bloom window as far as spraying etc?

Fancy schmancy… :slight_smile: Looks good. Going to look pretty cool when everything is full of fruit. IF you need squirrels…let me know. I could get you a dozen or so. Rabbits too. :rat:

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Here was last summer after a haircut


Thanks. The planters took some time. Pretty much a whole summer for me. The lowest one had to be built up about 3’6" to level it out. Each one is around 8’ diameter stepping up the hill. Lots of fill, lots of mulch!!


Very nice set up! Are they all peaches and one variety? It’s definitely a major shop stopper at bloom time and harvest time but eating all those peaches in a short duration is going to make me belly-up!


Nope, all different. Peaches are PF series (5, 9, 24, 35), Saturn, White Lady (possibly replaced), O’Henry (soon to be replaced due to issues), Indian Free. Nectarines are Independence, Mericrest, Juneglo, and Crimson Gold.

So no… not all the same. That would be to much for my whole block to consume :grin:

That would be the entire summer and fall for peaches and nectarines. I can manage that!

With a big backyard like yours, are you planning to add another island(s) at the opposite corner for plums, apples, pears and/or cherries?

I would love to add at least one more island! :wink:


I’ll have 2 more planters set to run right next to these 3. Both will hold 10 trees each in 2 rows. Each tree will be in a hedge row 4ft apart between trees and around 10ish feet between rows. These will hold plums in one, and pluots/plumcots in the other.


I would love to see the final results!!! Please post pictures (pre/post) when you’re ready…

This thread gets the BYOC stamp of approval! Nice job. :thumbsup:

Thanks MrClint! I thought you’d like it. For some reason around here people are still under the impression that you can’t plant trees closer than 15-20ft apart because “the tag says so”. Or people around here want to plant a peach tree to “sit underneath it during a hot day and get some shade while reading a book”.

Really nice layout and presentation. Keep us posted! :clap:

Depending on your locale, you might have to get more serious than I am about Summer pruning with thinning cuts. It can be a bit of work, but you’ll appreciate having ample airflow and sunlight penetration.

Along with summer thinning I stub back shoots. That can wait until the tree had reaches full height though - on a small tree it gets plenty of light. You will definitely need to do more serious pruning compared to the west-coast BYOC. The North Carolina peach pruning videos are a great source for how to prune peaches way back for better air circulation and disease control.

Yeah, i think i might have to. I was more stoked than anything to see the number of flower buds. For some reason (possibly weather but others had a tamer winter and ended up with nothing) almost all my trees are loaded.

Right now the trees are just about full size. I think that this season is when I’ll start to prune then to a height and that’s as tall as they get.

I did watch the NC video a few times… well maybe more like 20 :grin:. I think this year is the year to get serious though.

Just an update on the progress. Seems a few days with highs 75+ and nights around 55-60 has really started things. I don’t want to sound as if I’m bragging, so if it comes across that way let me know. I don’t want to be “one of those people”.

At this same time i was out drilling some holes to put down some kelp meal and adding more mulch (like to keep around 4 inches) and as i was drilling down with my bulb auger here is the type of dirt 4-6 inches down.

And i got my first visitor of the year. Enjoy!!

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Your put considerable planning and physical effort into creating that very practical showpiece. You SHOULD be proud that it has turned out well. You’re not bragging, just allowing the rest of us to enjoy the progress and results along with you. Too bad we won’t be able to taste the fruit along with you, too.


Just a quick update, enjoy!!