Hi Grower
where can you find many varieties of fresh seeds of all carya, juglans, castanea and multicomplex hybrids please? thank you for the response
And you include a picture of pecan, bitternut, pignut, water hickory, shellbark, and shagbark?
Is this a serious inquiry?
in the photo are these
A Carya illinoinensis
B Carya cordiformis
C Carya glabra
D Carya aquatica
E Carya laciniosa
F Carya ovata
At least my eyes are still working pretty well. I correctly identified all six.
Please try to state a bit more clearly exactly what you are looking for. Are you trying to find seed nuts? If so, for what purpose?
I am looking for quality genetics of all varieties and no ame selection of quality / big nut, early ripening, kernel quality, good kernel to shell ratio /.The seed is intended for sowing in the soil.I am interested in establishing a quality genetic collection of quality selections of all types of Carya, Juglans, Castanea and hybrids from these
Looking for quality seed nuts : 1) Butternut X Japanese Walnut (easy shelled Heartnut ) crossed seednuts , 2) Pure easy shelled heartnut seednuts, 3) Shaggy Bark Hickory seednuts.