Cat benefits

Have you tried the CCI Quiet-22 rounds? They are as loud as a powerful air gun. They are not powerful enough to cycle by Ruger 10/22 but that’s not a big deal and if you have a bolt action it wouldn’t matter.

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I’ve got a wild cat I feed. Wild in that it was never socialized and you can only get so close. This thing is hopeless as a hunter. I found a starling nest once. It won’t even eat the tender young birds. Couldn’t catch a mouse if it’s life depended on it. You might get the same from the humane society.

like .22 shorts? my neighbors dont mind. i usually shoot early or late when everyones inside.

They are 22 long. I’m certain my neighbors don’t mind the occasional regular 22 round going off but I figure it is just the nice thing to do.

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never heard of them. same fps as the shorts.

My chocolate lab and blue tick coon hound are as different as night and day. The coon hound has grown lazy and lays around the house. The lab is my constant companion, always wanting to be nearby and please me. They are outdoors two or three times a day. The coonhound is a male and pees constantly all across the yard. I haven’t had deer problems to speak of and I’m wondering if that’s why. My cat brings me field mice and digs up voles. The negative is he eats part of them and it makes him throw up.

I think all three have their place in my yard.