Please help me I.D. this condition on my Northstar Cherry tree.
I remember seeing this type of leaf here before but can’t find it.
This developed in the last week.
Please help me I.D. this condition on my Northstar Cherry tree.
I remember seeing this type of leaf here before but can’t find it.
This developed in the last week.
If I had to guess, I would guess nitrogen deficiency. With the yellowing seeming to originate from the center working outward, but just a guess to more or less bump the topic… There are others far more qualified that will nail this down for ya Mike.
My thought is more along the lines of a disease or poor growing conditions. It’s not nitrogen deficiency and probably not another nutrient.
Has it been really wet in your area?
I sent this up last June. It cleared up by itself with the new growth. I will see if anything like this comes up this year.