Clark's Small Yellow Pear

You are very welcome! However, I don’t know how this forum works yet regarding responses, so please send me another email with your email address in the body of the message. That way I can respond to you via email. Thanks.

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I would like to get a couple sticks. I happened to order a few sticks of Tyson from Fruitwood Nursery the other day, would be happy to send a couple.
I’m new here and not sure how to send a message though, would greatly appreciate it if you could message me.

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If there’s any left, I’d love to try this one out. I’ll drop you a pm.

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Have you had any problems with quince and ceder rust on this variety? I am guessing that it has not even flowered for you yet.

Soon it will be 5 years since you posted this, have you noticed any other pear varieties that bloom at a good time for this variety?

Also I was just wondering, you said that this variety sometimes blooms twice a year. What varities bloom at the right time for that other set of blooming?

Here is my Clark’s Little Yellow grafted into an espalier scaffold. My tag says it is approaching 2 years old. The spurs are very pointed, like our invasive wild pears. I have no idea how long it will take to flower.


@clarkinks Got a couple Clark’s small yellow pears grafted last month (from Mike at 39th) and they’re working great. I am wondering how they do with disease resistance? I am rolling the dice at my house and not spraying my fruit trees. Thanks for any update or experience


Mine isn’t fruiting yet, but hasn’t shown any disease problems.



They can get fireblight but will quickly stop it from traveling into the trunk. It is highly disease resistant.


Looking forward to a crop this year!

The tree took some fireblight strikes with little damage. Look closely and you will see 2 leafless branches in the tree from fireblight strikes. Anyone else have fruits? I can almost taste them now!


I bet @Barkslip is really enjoying these little pears by now!


Did anyone get a harvest off these this year? They were right on time again around August 11 th here. This is by far my most difficult pear to grow in many ways. It is a great pear when it is at its best.