I tried to nab that one but got a refund because it sold out. (It was an impulse purchase so I’m not at all disappointed.) I ended up with the OG NikitaxThor. It will be interesting to see all of these grow out. This forum will hopefully end up being the best source of information for DEC varieties besides the man himself and a few others.
Re: Buzz’s contagious enthusiasm… back in his Chester county days he had a business card that said Contact Buzz lol
Ive been very impressed by Don’s persimmons. I liked his varieties so much better than Jerry Lehman’s. All the names are his, except ones like Double Ziptie (this is a mis-IDed tree that Don knows the true identity of, but i forget. Darren may also know.) and DEC Earliest, which according to Don begins fruiting in July in zone 6 Indiana!
DEC King Krimson is spelled with a K to keep it separate from the band. I guess Don is a prog rock fan!
DEC Wannabee refers to 3 trees: #1, #2, and #3. #1 ortet died at Don’s 3 or 4 years ago. Darren’s graft of it died too. I have 1 graft of #1 thats finally big enough to start cutting from. I may do that this winter. As far as i know im the only one who has it anymore. #2 and #3 have more copies. Both Buzz and Darren offer it.
DEC Money Maker is an excellent tree.
Don has battled cancer for years. From 2-4d exposure in Vietnam. But recently i hear he’s on new medication and feeling a lot better. I hope he has more bright year’s ahead.
I’m not clear on the pedigree of many of his trees. In general it seems his breeding is a continuation of Claypool’s work, but Don also works with hybrids. Which ones are hybrid and which aren’t i can’t say for certain. Ive heard Goliath is a hybrid but im not 100%. Thor x Nikita’s Gift is obviously a hybrid. Don has done a lot of work breeding males, and he gives them names like Thor. Another one is “Mike.” Afaik Thor is an American. Mike is American.
I remember now!
Don posted same photo described as Miller x Mike.
Oh that’s interesting. Do you still have the photo by chance? Buzz had in his notes that DEC Wannabe 2 and 3 were Juhl x Mike.
Unfortunately, I didn’t make a screenshot … Maybe the fruit was just very similar so I misstake Wannabe with another seedling but the formula is correct for sure. I hope, you received notes about the rest of them ? Honestly I’m mostly curious about Thor.
Yes Juhl x Mike sounds familiar for all the Wannabees. With a name like that i imagine Don thinks they are all contenders for whatever he is going for.