Diamond Lil by Brett Koth for March 04, 2021 | GoComics.com


That’s me all over! :rofl:

I already have potatoes in the ground. Those are the “remnant” small potatoes from last summer’s harvest. They were in the garage all winter. They have small sprouts. I usually start potatoes about now. I prefer certified store starts but options this year are more restricted for me. There is also an order in to Fedco, some Maine varieties and my favorite, Kennebec.

I also set out the first batch of onion seedlings yesterday, New York Early. Sets of “yellow onion” have been in the ground for a month. Shallot seedlings “Spanish onion” seedlings, and green onion seedlings to be planted in two weeks. Of course, garlic was planted in the Fall.
those look pretty good now.

On the plant stand, seedlings of slicing and cherry tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, basil, celery, marigolds, chives. Unsure last summer of this years’s seed supplies, and the cost, the basil, chives, garlic chives, marigolds, and one of the tomatoes were home-saved seeds. Expecting more of that this year if I can isolate the blossoms. Also have much more to plant in April and May.

Yesterday I tied two more espaliers, set up bamboo frames for them from bamboo I cut a few weeks ago. Nice to be out in the sun.

But yes, dirt on the jeans and a sore back are definitely there. It’s a good feeling.