Doccumenting an older but funny story

So, Here is a story I am trying to format for the public… Actually, not the whole public, just cool gardeners like you:

A few years ago between late summer and early fall, I was walking into town.

I saw a picked-over apple tree by an intersection. It was just behind the guard rail and, it still had a few apples remaining!

Yet, the apples were just above the reach of the less motivated passers-by.

As I grew closer, I clearly imagined the solution to getting a whole bunch of those apples just out of reach from the ground.

All in just a few synchronized steps!
1: Sprint to the guard-rail.
2: Step / jump on the rail using it as a step.
3: Grab an apple branch and hold on to it on the way down.
4: From the ground, pick all the apples left on that limb now that they are in reach!

So, I thought I made it to step #3… I did not.

Apparently, a nearby rambling rose had sneaked and snaked itself into, up, and around the apple tree.

What I thought was going to be a smoothly executed Jean Claude Van Dam move turned out to just be a Van Dumb move…

I grabbed a thorny mess of a rose pretending to be an apple branch up in the tree and pulled all the thorns off into my hand in the process on the way down to the ground.

Stupid apples, I didn’t want any of them anyways.


Valiant effort. I think humans have been having similar mishaps trying to get sweet things since there were humans. I was thinking this same thought two days ago as i was beating an apple tree i had found with a stick, trying to knock down the higher ups. Lots of energy spent but it was worth it. Hope you don’t have any permanent damage.


I might have tried that at 20 years old, and tried a fruit picker on a pole at 40 years old, Now I just admire such trees and think about what I can grow.

Actually at 20 I probably would have done something more risky. I wasn’t very smart about my limits back then.