Double top wire grape trellis- Space Saver

I really like this type of grape trellis.

It has been very low maintenance, is very sturdy, the grape vines are mostly out of the reach of deer, the grapes get good sun exposure, and there is plenty of room underneath it to grow other plants and even small bushes.

I’m looking to move more towards a natural trellising system for my grapes, using bushes, plants, or other natural materials, that are free to obtain or grow, to lower the cost in the future.

The downsides of this trellis is that it’s pretty expensive.

However, it can be an easy way to build a quality trellis that will last a really long time, and if you have a smaller growing area, it allows lots of things to be planted underneath it if needed, to greatly increase the available growing area.


I just noticed this post. I am using something similar, the Geneva double curtain. I have two parallel wires 48 inches apart. As you say, I have garlic, peppers, and cucumbers growing underneath. Some apple rootstock in five gallon buckets as well.


That’s really neat! I haven’t grown a whole lot under them yet, but I’m hoping to add a lot of stuff soon! :slight_smile:

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Do you have pictures of your trellis set up? Thanks