I have a Lapins cherry tree that is too big and plenty of scion wood. Does anyone know where to get Gisela 5 rootstock in Maryland? Thanks
Nobody has Gisela.5 for sale now as far as I can tell.
Raintree has Colt and Krymsk.5 for sale right now.
Krymsk.5 is touted as similar to Gisela.5:
One grower in PA tells me that he is finding the Krymsk understocks to be disease-prone in our region (canker).
Thanks Matt. How about Gisela 3?
If you find a source of gisela 3 I’d be interested. I’m leaning more and more towards pedestrian orchards.
No dice.
Cummins Nursery (NY) currently has fully grafted cherry trees available on some of the Gisela stocks. I think Adams County Nursery (PA) does too. Gisela.6 and Gisela.12 are supposed to be superior dwarf stocks in all respects.
I’ve never found anyone supplying bareroot Gisela rootstocks for grafting purposes. The Gisela stocks are German in origin and they are picky about who they affiliate themselves with.
Canker took mine out during a summer wet spell.