Good books on fruit?

I’m currently reading David Masamoto’s Epitaph of a Peach (of Masamoto Farms outside of Fresno, famous for their peaches), and it made me wonder what other books are available if you want to read more about fruit, fruit history, fruit development history, etc. Can be about vegetables too.


Frank Browning’s Apples was a pleasure to read for me.


super fast list:
Pawpaw by Andrew Moore
Banana by Dan Koeppel
Fruits of Eden by Amanda Harris
The World Was My Garden by David Fairchild (out of print I think)
The Fruit Hunters by Adam Leith Gollner
The Garden of Invention by Jane S. Smith


I really enjoyed John Bunker’s Apples and the art of Detection

The fruits and fruit trees of Monticello

Very interesting- covers the history of Jefferson’s farm and experiments with fruit growing

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I have a copy of that in my own book pile, and I’m looking forward to it.

Currently listening to this while slinging a mountain of compost. This book is exploding my brain, it is fascinating.

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Cool! It gets a little off-color sometimes but otherwise a fun book.
There is a corresponding documentary of sorts too.

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I would argue it has made my all time top 10 books with the information I’ve learned, both about society and fruit. Some of the stories shared are borderline conspiracy level but corroborated by other people later interviewed.

Long story short I added a few new places to my vacation lists and have already purchased a miracle berry bush for a friend going through chemo.